Aptio Change Logo Utility
Ez100pu smart card reader driver windows 7. Description: EZ100PU Smart Card Reader Driver Installer; File Version: 8.5; File Size: 2.33M; Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
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Aptio Change Logo Utility Download

Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Or read our to learn how to use this site. Not sure what version of Aptio you have but I have seen this issue before on an Asus Model K55A. Apparently, the option you are looking for (e.g., change boot order) may be hidden until you do the following: You may need to enable the Launch CSM (Compatibility Support Module). If it is set to disabled, it probably restricts the boot options to UEFI only, as in a Windows 8 secure boot. Once done (if you have that option), on the next reboot into Aptio, all boot options will (hopefully) appear, including the optical drive and PXE.