Duke Nukem Sound Pack Wav Download Sites

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(Hover over a specific rule for more information!). I've created a soundboard for discord. You can get the latest release from my gitHub page. User Talah created a very nice Install and Setup video which you can watch. The applications requires that you have java 8 installed on your system to run. Download the jar file and place it in a directory. In that same directory you will need a file called 'app.properties' and a directory called 'sounds'.
Duke Nukem Sound Clips Download
Put all the clips you want to play in the sounds directory. In the app.properties file you should fill in the login information for your bot (you should create a new discord account for your bot). Once you've created your new bot you must invite it to any server you want to use it on.

Duke Nukem Quotes Sounds
The property 'usernametojoinchannel' is your username on discord. When you click a sound file to play in the soundboard the app will look for this username and join the voice channel that user is in. If you don't have this configured properly the bot will not work.
Also, the bot can respond to text channel commands. See below for information on those commands.
Hopefully people find this useful, I know my group has been having lots of fun with it. I was just thinking about this and it's entirely possible right now (You must be using the latest release, 1.1.2 currently) with a small amount of work. First you need to be able to call REST methods from your cmd line. This requires CURL. Download it from. Place the contents of the 'bin' dir on your c: drive.

Then create a.bat file that calls your new curl.exe with the sound file and username. Something like this should work 'c: curl 'Of course you need to replace the parts that are different for you (mostly soundFileId and username.
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When you run this bat your sound file should play. Next create a shortcut to this.bat file. Right click the shortcut and go to 'Properties'. There under the 'Shortcut' tab you can set a 'Shortcut Key'. Once you've created your shortcut key click 'Apply' and 'OK'. Now press the key combination you configured and your sound should play.