Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Bot
11:56 am - Listing of known FFXI 3rd Party Apps Just because there's probably a lot more out there than I know of (and I'm in 3rd party App mode this week) English Programs: - A Scripting tool originally designed for Asheron's Call. Allows users to write C-style programs that send Keypresses and other things of that nature. Used as a primitive botting tool in FFXI (Enter spammers, Tab spammers, AH Buyers) - A.exe program that runs in the taskbar and allows you to read common FFXI data from memory. Typically used with ACTool to access stats such as $CurrentPlayerHP, $TargetName, and other common variables (HP, MP, TP, Target name, XYZ Position, Inventory, etc.) - A program that allows FFXI to be alt-tabbable and run in a windowed mode.
The latest version also has plugin support which allows anyone to write a plugin program that can run and write data to the screen. Unknown if the plugin API can send commands directly to the FFXI server (i.e. Able to 'provoke' a mob before being targetable, etc). I believe the plugin is merely capable of drawing text/windows to the FFXI screen, which limits its ability to be used as a hack/exploit. FastFingers (no link) - I don't know anything about this program, other than that a few people have mentioned it as a botting tool.
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I'd imagine it is similar to ACTool, but I really know nothing about it. 'Shiva-bot' (no link) - Umm. A really good bot on the Shiva server? Dunno much about it except it's supposedly very very hard to beat.

(Link currently Broken, anyone know where?) - not necessecarily a 3rd party app, but this series of.BAT files moves and renames FFXI.DAT files so that users of the Japanese Client can see NPC Dialog (and a few other things) in English. a Program used for viewing FFXI.DAT files.
I never actually tried this so I don't know any details, but seems to be a very well-written and useful program. / - Screenshot (and movie) programs.
ChangeTex (no link) - Popped up on Windower forums, lets you change the Title of the FFXI program so it can be read properly by other programs. (I think) Various Log Parsers (no link) - Reads the chatlog for battle data and analyzes it to provide meaningful statistics (Accuracy%, Total Damage, etc) Japanese Programs: - A Windower tool that allows FFXI to be run in a window. Features include: Able to change from window to pseudo-fullscreen with a single key press (Default left windows key).
Able to change the render-mode for FFXI from normal low quality Wire-Frame and more (default right windows key). Also supports dynamic resizing of the window, and multiple instances of FFXI. FFAsssit (no link) - A Program that reads FFXI data, and draws convenient windows on the screen showing this data. Features include Airship/Travel timer window, Mini-map, 3 Chat-Log windows which can display specific FFXI message-types (i.e. Linkshell chat only), Alarm system for receiving a /tell or being examined (can be expanded to alarm when invited to a party as well), and Timer system which allows users to set simple timers with a caption. Various other useful features that read and draw FFXI data into windows for simple viewing. Does not send any information to the server, but may possibly get Airship/travel info from an outside website.
Race Converter (no link) - A program that alters VTABLE.Dat and FTABLE.Dat to make people appear as different races. Japanese Macro Editor -.DAT File Viewer. Also includes a Model Viewer, some sort of Binary File Viewer, and a Map utility that lets you 'explore' the maps as a mobile Camera.
Japanese Log Parser. Feel free to add more that I forgot / don't know about. I think this summarizes most of the 'well-known' 3rd party tools for FFXI. As they say, if you can't beat them join them. 'Blowing the whistle' on third party program puts everyone atleast on the same level in knowlege on what another person maybe doing behind their charecter.
I'm not saying everyone should use it but simply knowing that programs that allow you to see just the wire frame gives you an idea how easy it is to tinker with the program. SE's fualt for not making security measures to make it harder to decode their program. But atleast now they are trying to fix it. As far as a larger list of apps go why not add model veiwer and fraps? FastFingers - executable program. Farily advanced bot, but still a voker.
Removes all models on the fly except NM you enter. Consistently reads widescan info and will alert 3-7 seconds before NM pops and spam. 'Shiva-bot' - Very little information available. Rumored its some 'supercomputer bla bla bla', sure whatever. I belive its a reltively advanced packet sniffer that just spams voke packets to server, either way, ungodly fast. Aka: used voke.
Used Invincible and already sitting to logout before Faf pops on anyones screen. Only 1 LS has it and uses it. GoodFriends LS on Ramuh had FastFingers on a public website briefly, though it was closed up shortly after someone posted the link on killingifrit. Here's the documentation; I never tried to actually run it.
Fast Fingers Vokebot Manual Mar 14 2005 (4.1) Pulling Modes: DSPAM: Only starts spamming when NM spawn is detected. LAUNCHES: alt-2 for 5 secs on spawn detection then the regular ctrl-3 and optional ctrl-4/ctrl-5/ctrl-6 TCNPC: slower than DSPAM because it trys to check if the closest NPC is the desired NM (kinda obsolete now).
If not it starts tabbing. LAUNCHES: ctrl-3 and optional ctrl-4/ctrl-5/ctrl-6 CYCLE: Starts tabbing on NM spawn detection LAUNCHES: alt-1, ctrl-3 and optional ctrl-4/ctrl-5/ctrl-6 MSPAM:(Menu Spam) Spams enter on the job ability or spell menu. To use this mode, open up your job ability or spell menu and leave the cursor pointing on the spell/ability you want to execute on NM spawn. For example, a warrior would open up his job ability menu and leave the cursor pointing on provoke.
He would then go start the bot. When the NM is about to spawn, the bot will spam the enter key faster than is humanly possible. LAUNCHES: ctrl-3 and optional ctrl-4/ctrl-5/ctrl-6 ACTOOL (new):This mode is meant to be used in conjunction with ACTOOL. When the NM spawns, this mode copies the string 'Fast Fingers Spawn Detected' to the clipboard. LAUNCHES: nothing. Mandatory Macros: For Cycle: Alt-1 line 1: /ja 'Provoke' (notice not, also change Provoke to magic spell if you are a mage) line 2: /lockon For DSpam: Alt-2 line 1: /targetnpc line 2: /ja 'Provoke' (or magic spell if you are a mage) For all modes: Ctrl-3 Take a look at the example warrior macros I have provided. Ctrl-3 is flexible and can be customized to the user's taste.
Mode Rankings: (fastest/ smallest field of view) dspam and mspam (pretty much same speed) tcnpc (slowest/ largest field of view)cycle Slower Tab: Slows down the tabbing rate used in cycle and other modes (for slower computers) Ignore Focus: Allows you to go do things such as browse the web and other stuff without having to have ffxi as the main window in focus. The drawback of this mode is that the only way to quit the bot is to 'ctrl-alt-delete' and 'end task' on Fast Fingers in windows task manager. Once a monster spawn is detected you will be pulled back to the ffxi window so be sure to have set COMPACT KEYBOARD: In the situation where you were typing, oh say, an essay and a spawn is detected you will be pulled back to ffxi and the typing you are doing may fuck the process up and bring up auto translator or other crap. MAKE SURE NOT TO RUN ANY FULL SCREEN APPLICATIONS!! Bot Statuses (What different scan button colors mean): silver = idle yellow = getting ready green = scanning red = error (usually happens when ffxi gets updated in which case a new bot will be released).
Optional Macros: By default the bot executes alt-2 and ctrl-3 in DSPAM and just ctrl-3 for all other modes. You can specify more macros if you like by typing in a number in the 'ctrl-4 ctrl-5 and ctrl-6' text slots.
The number you type in represents how long you want the bot to wait before it executes the specified macro. For example with delays: ctrl-4: 12 ctrl-5: 3 ctrl-6: 8 the bot will first execute ctrl -3 (alt-2 then ctrl-3 if in DSPAM), and then wait 12 seconds, execute ctrl-4, wait 3 seconds, execute ctrl 5, wait 8 seconds and then finally execute ctrl-6. Launching the Bot: 1. Start up windower/POL/ffxi 3.
Start up bot 3.1 set optional macro delays 3.2 select mode 3.3 select 'ignore focus' if you like (remember you'll have to ctrl-alt-del out if you do) 4. Go back to ffxi and BE SURE TO TARGET YOURSELF. Finally hit scan on the bot. MAKE SURE YOUR MACROS WORK! I almost got busted one time because i pulled the NM and just stood there. My macro wasnt waiting long enough after the pull before attacking. Example Macros (for a warrior or warrior subjob): This macro will attempt to provoke an nm and then chase after it while provoking incase it is out of range.
Delays to enter in the bot: ctrl-4: 6 ctrl-5: blank ctrl-6: blank ALT-1 /ja 'Provoke' /lockon ALT-2: /targetnpc /ja 'Provoke' CTRL-3: /ja 'Provoke' /follow /wait 2 /ja 'Provoke' /wait 2 /ja 'Provoke' -remember that a six second delay was specified for ctrl-4: (total wait time in ctrl-3 is 4. Add 2 secs just to be safe ) CTRL-4 /ja 'Provoke' /wait 2 /attack FAQ: Q: How did i get beaten by someone else?
How come the NM is spawning purple? A: they probably have a faster ping rate than you, in which case nothing can be done (they are able to target the NM before you are because they recieved the spawn information before you did). Make sure that you don't have any background programs or downloads running. Q: why do i get '/ja provoke ' errors before i can target the NM using DSPAM? A: the bot actually starts spamming 1-1.5 seconds before the NM spawns, you're getting those errors because theres nothing to target at first Q: why does it take 1-1.5 seconds to provoke the NM once i have it targeted? A: it doesnt, you have actually claimed the NM 1-1.5 seconds before the provoking animation plays or the NM name turns from yellow to red. The animation/red name delay is just an ffxi issue (go ahead and manually provoke something, you'll see what i mean) Q: i turn on the bot and head to camp an nm, when i get close to his spawn area the bot goes off even though the NM isnt there.
Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Bot Download
A: the bot detects the NM's name and as a result thinks its a 'spawn' and goes off whener you enter its zone. Its recommended that you start the bot once you are fully within the NM's zone. One neat thing that can be done with this is finding all the smaller spawn radiuses of a large area NM like Valkurm Emperor. If you were to camp in a team you could assign each person to one of the smaller spawn zones to make camping more efficient. Q: why does DSPAM spam for so long? A: if you happen to be at your computer and notice the bot going off with no NM to voke after about 1 to 2 seconds it probably means that the NM is either behind a wall or behind you. DSPAM gives you about 6 seconds to run around to find the NM and hopefully grab it before someone else figures out its spawned.
Q: how do i get the bot to restart automatically? A: you can't at the moment. Maybe i'll implement it in a future version. Q: how do i cancel follow so that i dont run into a wall after i have killed the NM?
A: to cancel follow make the following lines the last 3 lines of whatever your final macro is: /equip range 'ranged item A' /wait 1 /equip range 'ranged item B' For a bard it could look like this: /equip range 'Piccolo' /wait 1 /equip range 'Gemshorn' Flipping through these items cancels follow. You dont have to use ranged items, you can use any 2 items as long as they fit in the same equipment slot. Q: why dont beast master pets or summons get removed? How do i remove npcs like harvesting points? A: if you arrive in an NM spawn zone and there is a 'Harvesting Point' or similar NPC there do the following: 1. Set the bot to scan for an nm thats in a completely different zone (litterally hit scan) 2.
Walk out of the desired NM zone (far far away until the npc vanishes ) 3. Walk back into the desired NM zone 4.
Ac Tool Tutorial
Go to the bot, select the desired NM and hit scan. This should remove all of the pesky green npcs.
Also note that if you start the bot with a wyvern (or other summon) on the screen, it will not be eliminated until the dragoon (or bst or smn) moves causing the summon to follow. In the case where you have a bastard drg/bst/smn that never budges apply the 4 steps i just mentionned and this should manually get rid of the summon too. Q: how do i enable the optional macros?
A: to enable an optional macro (ctrl-4 to 6) just type in a number from 1 to 99 in the text slots on the right side of the bot. The number represents how many seconds you want the bot to wait before executing that macro.
Ffxi Skill Up Bot
Leave a macro text slot blank if you dont want to use it (default). Macros will always be executed in order (4, 5 then 6). Q: the bot was working great, but recently it has slowed down or doesnt spam before the monster spawns.
A: make sure you have no background processes hogging cpu usage. In some cases people have reported that this happens if your computer gets infected with a virus. Q: why are mobs all fucked up and flying everywhere when i go to camp Spook or Valkurm Emperor. A: this is an issue with the way the bot displaces non desired npcs.
I'll have this fixed in future releases. CREDITS (in no particular order): DSH (me) Ubaba (for alpha testing help) aWG (my genius room mate) Akuji (for comming all the way to giddeus just to help me;) ) White Knight(for alpha/beta testing) Kayel (for getting me stared on this shit) Daff (My ISK Daddy) Kaneada(For being a man of his word) Kira Yamato(Also for being a man of his word) littlekid (For the awesome idea on how to improve Cycle's speed) Thanks to the entire AC Tools Community, especially: Atti Boomhaur Bubbagump Lollerskates solsolidus.