George Hackenschmidt The Way To Live Pdf

MacGyver wrote:I'm surprised no-one has mentioned this one yet: (Baechle & Earle) It comes highly recommended as a reference on the basics of S&C, even though it comes with the usual nitpicks associated with coursebooks, like teaching shallow squats and rather limited descriptions of exercises in general (this is easily corrected by reading Starting Strength, though). Otherwise, this book covers just about every aspect of the strength and conditioning field, from bioenergetics and musculoskeletal anatomy to fitness testing and facility management. It doesn't go into huge amounts of detail, but as it isn't a specialist book, it doesn't have to. It recently came out with a third edition, and is the suggested course material for the NSCA CSCS exam. Great book, good for knowing the scientific aspects. I agree though, much of the excercise description and stuff are bs.
W1cked wrote:Ordered Steve Justa's book Rock Iron and Steel. Excellent book which I also need to get. X2, I've been meaning to get my hands on that one. Also I hear 'Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia' by John Jesse is good. I also wouldn't mind a copy of 'The Way to Live' by George Hackenschmidt. You can get The way to live on '' for free in PDF format, just click on 'Hack's profile and there it is.for free. And for the ones that aren't free downloads you can save each page as a picture and print that way or retype and print, time consuming but cheaper than buying them.
As for the book it is excellent in regards as to how to live, but the exercises are not that great and instructions are not great. BAsically it is awesome for common sense lifestyle advice. Ross said that John Jesse's book is excellent. Ross Enamait wrote:I have many more listed at the bottom of this post: I will likely add this entry to the main site where it is more visible, and update it in greater detail. I have many more that I can add to the list.
Hackenschmidt Workout
Ross Awesome idea, could you label in order of importance/best books? There is no such thing as best, as each book listed within the link above is unique. Best will depend on what you are looking for specifically. This is why I included a brief description. For example, look at the summary that I provided next to the Supertraining text. Ross Enamait wrote:I have many more listed at the bottom of this post: I will likely add this entry to the main site where it is more visible, and update it in greater detail. I have many more that I can add to the list.
George Hackenschmidt Bench Press

Ross Awesome idea, could you label in order of importance/best books? There is no such thing as best, as each book listed within the link above is unique. Best will depend on what you are looking for specifically. This is why I included a brief description.
For example, look at the summary that I provided next to the Supertraining text. Ross I think most people don't know enough to know what they're looking for specifically.
This is why it would be a good idea if a trusted source - in this case yourself - would do a certain degree of predigestion. While Supertraining is a valuable book, it is pretty much in the deep end of the training resource pool. Most people with no previous experience with exercise physiology would be better served starting off with the McArdle text, which is definitely worth noting. It's my observation that when you're saying that something is the best resource available, people will rather haphazardly jump straight into reading it at the exclusion of everything else.
George Hackenschmidt The Way To Live Pdf
Much of the valuable information contained within will be missed for a lack of understanding of the basics. So I'm suggesting that you provide a grouping of suggested reading material both by topic and by level of advancement. This would serve well especially the younger forumites.
Ross Enamait wrote:I have many more listed at the bottom of this post: I will likely add this entry to the main site where it is more visible, and update it in greater detail. I have many more that I can add to the list. Ross Awesome idea, could you label in order of importance/best books? There is no such thing as best, as each book listed within the link above is unique. Best will depend on what you are looking for specifically. This is why I included a brief description. For example, look at the summary that I provided next to the Supertraining text.
Ross What about Louie Simmons new book, will that be in your list of books?