Hindi Ocr Software

  1. Hindi Ocr Software Online

Hindi OCR software Professional Edition scans and converts Hindi Documents to soft-copy to enable the visually challenged to then read it with the JAWS Talking Software. It enables the visually challenged to easily read printed books, letters, agreements in Hindi Language with the help of a flatbed scanner and JAWS Software. The soft-copy of the Hindi printed material can be used for speedy Braille Production with the help of Braille Translation Software. Features. Converts printed text into rich text documents (RTF) in Unicode encoding thus saving the tough time consuming task of having to type the text. Over 99% recognition accuracy on the character level in well printed documents. High recognition accuracy and speed.

Recognition Speed: Approx. 9 seconds per page on a standard desktop computer to recognize the text. Output: Unicode Font. Supports Standard image formats - bmp, jpg, png, tiff, gif. Imports large number of images and can recognize them all at one time.

SoftwareHindi font ocr software

Hindi Ocr Software Online


Exports all recognized text into one file. Compatible with Windows XP and Windows 7 Operating Systems.