Innotab Customizer

Not having a very usable Windows machine right now, just Linux and a MacBook, I have found it difficult to use the very useful apps posted here. On top of that my kids have two Innotab 3S's and several of the apps posted do not update the databases for those (plus all the hassle with UnitEIDs requiring manual database editing). So, I am well into writing a Java based app which should run on all platforms and will (I hope) support all of the Innotab models, from 1 to 3S. However, I have a few questions that I am hoping owners of the other models will be able to help me with: Can anyone help me fill in the blanks/confirm my assumptions on the following table?. Innotab 1: Database = innopad.db / UnitEID = no.
Innotab 2: Database = Innopad.db? / UnitEID = no?. Innotab 2S: Database = Innopadsd.db? / UnitEID = yes?.
Innotab 3: Database = Innopadsd.db? / UnitEID = yes?. Innotab 3S: Database = Innopadwf.db / UnitEID = yes The only one I know for sure is the 3S and I can guess at the Innotab 1. And is anyone familiar with the Video Thumbnail formats? I am aware of the tweaks necessary for Book and Game icons, but was hoping someone was aware of the requirements for the Video thumbnails so that I don't have to spend ages analysing bytes to try and figure it out. Maybe I'll be lucky and they'll turn out to be simple unaltered BMPs or something!
Funnily enough I made exactly the same guess about wf = wifi! Curiously the Innopadsd.db examples I had looked at did have a UnitEID column in there; at least in the Games, Books and Other tables. But strangely not in the Music table. That was the main reason why I suspected that UnitEID was required for the 2/3 versions as well as the 2s/3s. Anyway, unless others post anything different, I'll work on that basis for the immediate. I plan to build in the facility to automatically detect UnitEID (pull from the database) as long as there is something already in there with one! I am a bit away from doing video thumbnails yet, but as I get closer I shall get onto IRC and ask there.
Innotab Customer Service

We obviously think alike in many ways! Basically I am setting it up (current stage, nearing completion) so that when an SD/connected Innotab is found, it will look for a file in the SD root which defines one or more 'Device Profiles'. Each of these will state the model and (if required) the UnitEID for that model. This way we know which database to target and what UnitEID to use. In addition, if the sd card is being used in multiple devices (maybe several kids, or a main and a test device), it will automatically set up things for all models/databases/UnitEIDs that the card might be used in - sort of a 'cover everything in one go' operation. If the file in question is not present, it will simply ask you to select your model and UnitEID (with option to scan database where necessary).
Innotab Customizer Mac
Working on this last bit right now, and then moving onto the 'real' bits of transferring/updating/etc. I did consider trying to rewrite the AutoDB script to work on the 3S, but the UnitEID remains a problem, and the script would become quite complicated if you have multiple UnitEIDs in there. I am happy with simply connecting to a computer and transferring from there (that's where all the music/videos are after all!), but thought I'd retain compatibility with the work already done for the AutoDB script.
So; I would look for similar.txt/.ico files on the content on the computer. If not there (and I have the time/energy remaining) I may add functionality to define these in the app (which will create the same.txt/.ico files on the computer).
Keeps compatibility for those using AutoDB and saves having to come up with anything complex/clever to replace it. No point re-inventing the wheel. Well, not too much anyway.
I'll drop a couple of videos on via the official route and that should give me the missing details. Not had time to do anything tonight but I have finished the device selection and profile storage so that it knows which database/UnitEID to use; plus it will scan the databases to identify the available UnitEIDs. I think that is the hard bit done as I now know I can identify and access all of the dbs, have a ui framework, cover all the main operating systems and do the hard bits. Most of the rest is ui work with a few file copies and database updates in the background. Debating whether to put an icon creator in there. Seems silly not to given everything else but that might takea bit longer. Will look at videos tomorrow as that is my main want right now.
Hopefully I can share an early version by end of weekend spring videos as a minimum. Would be good to have some external testing. I may be able to help a bit. I found that since the 'package' I found elswhere, didn't have the wifi db file I basically had to create it. I used the AutoDB to do the basic setup of the wf.db. I then found I had to edit most of the files anyway, including some of the ones for which I had made a txt file as it used the name of the file rather than the name I had put in the file. Also there were no icons extracted.
I used the sd.db for extracting the icons from it. Along with the firefox addon sqlite. It had a perfect interface for this. I just opened the sd.db and for each file that had an icon blob file I just saved them as (filename).ico in one folder. Then I opened up the wf.db and imported each one, resulting in having icons for all the games, same for the 2 books I had. I am thinking about doing a bit more work on the package file I found to rename all the game and cart files to the correct names and updating both the db files with the names.
Innotab Customizer Tutorial
I think this will really help in finding errors and such. Then perhaps uploading the revised package to the torrent site of my choice. In the mean time here are both the and the file Just remember to change the UserEID's accordingly.