Muscle Manual By Nikita Vizniak

VIZNIAK MUSCLE MANUAL Dr Nikita A. Vizniak VIZNIAK MUSCLE MANUAL empowers clinicians.
Just as the eye gives direct access to what is happening in the brain, the muscles of the body give the Chiropractic precise information about the Nervous System. This text bridges the gap between classroom education and practical clinical application. It contains current, easily accessible information on topics including musculoskeletal anatomy, anatomical variation, kinesiology, muscle testing, palpation, osteology, biomechanics, trigger point referral patterns, peripheral neurology, differential diagnosis, treatment techniques and much more. Contents.
Manual Muscle Testing Upper Extremity
Head & Face. Neck. Back & Torso. Shoulder & Arm. Elbow, Wrist & Hand. Hip & Thigh. Leg, Ankle & Foot.
Neurovascular. Manual Medicine Techniques. Appendix. Index Links.
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