Star Fox 2 Patch

Star Fox 2 Patch
I made a patch for the Star Fox 2 ROM that was dumped from the SNES Classic. If you tried to play it on a PAL SNES then you get the below error Original ROM checksums CRC32: 87653732 MD5: 7D66769F53CB3FB7F5C73044876DB240 SHA-1: 1135A2A6CB786AC7523E81DD553DC81AAA266F51 Patched ROM checksums CRC32: E82DE5F1 MD5: 4D0C8B4F5585E008E14729FAD30A7F07 SHA-1: E66AC32487D964A408D524D5E8EBD4C85D4A27B2 I was going to upload it to ROM Hacking but did not feel like filling out 10,000 fields of information about the ROM, if someone else wants to go ahead.
Thank you so much for watching:D this is the star fox 2 with the English patch (that fixes up most of the games bugs making it look like the finished product:D this was used on the newest snes gx - download link= if this video can can get 1,000 viewers i promise to put it up:) also i do not own Nintendo and this was a UN RELEASE game that never went out to the market and this game is amazing:D also if you reading this nintendo and you dont want it up just pm me and ill will take it down and thanks again for watching:D. Gintama episode 100 mp4 converter. = i dont see this video getting 1000 views anytime soon XD so ill just add the link here;) enjoy!

Star Fox 2 Patch

Star Fox 2 Patch
- 2012 new update = it happened xD 2 years later and I finally reached the 1000 view milestone lol.