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Having trouble running the script 'LaunchModGame' that appeared when I installed a2p16. When I double click the script in my mod folder (C:programfiles/diabloII/TFW) I get two question boxes 1) Do you need to generate bin files? And 2) Run game in windowed mode?
I have tried all combinations of yes/no answers, but everytime I finish the second question, nothing happens. It's as if the program only asks those two questions and after I answer them it says 'thank you very much, program finished.' Or something. I then tried to make a shortcut but I can't figure out what everone means when they say to use a -mod tfw command. My target is: 'C: Program Files Diablo II TFW LaunchModGame.vbs' -mod tfw and my Start in is: 'C: Program Files Diablo II TFW' I still get the two question windows and then nothing, so I am assuming (very safely) that I am doing something wrong. I loved the Fury Within for Diablo II Ancients v1.09 and am glad that there is a v1.10 now so we can use the skill synergies.
Thank you phrozen keep for producing such great material. I got the program to open without the two question windows by linking my shortcut thus: 'C: Program Files Diablo II game.exe' please note there is no -mod tfw as I don't know what that means But this has produced the two common problems of ith, ith and more ith, and the dreaded accessviolation. The game crashes when my wife and I run a little ways apart from each other. This happens every time when she is in the town of the first act, and I try to run to the cold plains. Never can make it before the accessviolation occurs. Not sure where you guys get this 'debugging' code from, but I will try to find it and put it up if it helps at all. I'm not sure where everyone is in the fixing of the bugs.

I'm assuming a2p16 is the latest. I opened the DII folder and created my mod folder 'TFW' and downloaded 1) TFW102patched 2) Awakeninga2 and 3) Awakeninga2p16 in that order. I then copied the patchd2.dll (I think it's.dll) into the actual DII folder and left everything else in the DII/TFW folder.
Was that right or was I supposed to leave the patchd2.dll file alone? Moving it was the only way I could get the program to open, and I have no idea where I got the idea to move it. I think I did it with the v1.09 copy, but I can't remember. I hope those of you who read this can make sence of my layman's explinations and questions. Thanks again Phrozen Keep for making Diablo II better, and thanks for putting up with computer mod illiterates like me. I am afraid you have one thoroughly messed up installation by now.
I hope you still have the downloads for TFW: Awakening alpha2 (42MB) and the patch a2p16 adder. Awakening is a completely separate mod from TFW: Ancients for v1.09x, and the two file sets should never be mixed together. (Fair warning to Ancients players: Awakening is also not a completed port of the older mod, but is quite playable.) Start with a new mod folder. From extract awakening.exe to the new folder. Run awakening.exe.
You should now have a lot of dlls and a big mpq, plus some other files, in your mod folder. Now open and extract all files in it to the mod folder. Overwrite any file from the big download it asks to overwrite. You will end up with another mpq named tfw-patch.mpq. Finally, you should have two vbs files, 110-LaunchTFW.vbs and 111-LaunchTFW.vbs. Use the first file if your copy of Diablo II is only v1.10.
Use the second file if you have v1.11+, but, you must get your own copy of the v1.10 version of game.exe. Please read the for more details on getting prior versions enabled.
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Note, the standard script LaunchModGame.vbs is not part of the download and doesn't have all the right information in it. You can copy a reference to either supplied script as a shortcut on your desktop or in your start menu.

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