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Last year I read over 300 books: I'd like to do the same this year. Read Harder Challenge (Bookriot) 19 down. Read a book about sports. Read a debut novel. Read a book about books. Read a book set in Central or South America, written by a Central or South American author.

Read a book by an immigrant or with a central immigration narrative. Read an all-ages comic. Read a book published between 1900 and 1950. Read a travel memoir Read a book you’ve read before.

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Read a book that is set within 100 miles of your location. Read a book that is set more than 5000 miles from your location. (South Korea) Read a fantasy novel.

Read a nonfiction book about technology. Read a book about war.

Read a YA or middle grade novel by an author who identifies as LGBTQ+. Read a book that has been banned or frequently challenged in your country. Read a classic by an author of color. Read a superhero comic with a female lead. Ms Marvel: volume five Read a book in which a character of color goes on a spiritual journey Read an LGBTQ+ romance novel - Read a book published by a micropress. Read a collection of stories by a woman. Read a collection of poetry in translation on a theme other than love.

Read a book wherein all point-of-view characters are people of color. Now reading, which helpfully has switched from the elderly tycoon to the perspective of an NY novelist, as the former wasn't doing much for me. Frankly hate Descartes, and have never understood why his axiom should be trusted as an unshakable foundation for anything. The more he talks about following a straight line out of the forest, the more appealing it sounds to me to get lost in that forest, where once we lived in wonder, and understood it to be a prerequisite for an authentic awareness of being and the world.

Now we have little choice but to live in the arid fields of reason, and as for the unknown, which once lay glittering at the farthest edge of our gaze, channeling our fear but also our hope and longing, we can only regard it with aversion. Also listening to, enjoying Falco's visit to the ancient library. And have to read, sharpish, as someone else has requested it. I looked up the recipe, Charlotte. I fear I might not be someone who enjoys Bobotie. I'm an extremely conservative eater - err- fussy - eater. I don't like to mix sweet with savoury and I fear I eat very little in the way of curry.

But it looks very good! Gosh, I am boring when it comes to food.

I will eat butter chicken, but only fairly unspicey stuff. I don't care for anything fish, except of the occasional piece of halibut. Does that tell you a bit about me? I can fake it though. My son's wedding had far too sophisticated food for my tastes. Some sort of prime rib that was practically bleeding on my plate and far too salty, some sort of cheese tarte thing with touch of greens - just passed it by -and some dreadful non- chocolate dessert.

Some sort of creme freche? With raspberry preserve. And I picked the tamest of the the three possible main dishes.

Give me half a breast of chicken, some nice veggies, maybe garlic mashed potatoes with brownies for dessert and it's all good. The one we make is very mild! The great thing about digital food Deborah- can be adventurous as you like, and No Calories! I must admit your son's wedding dinner sounds wonderful to me.

Hope your return to reading continues (especially if you can find more Miss Buncle type books). It was pretty hard reading, especially the antisemitism of British people (I don't doubt the book is accurate, it's just hard to be faced with the reality of bigotry - especially against kids). I'm sure it would spark some good conversations. I watched a children's documentary about refugees in the UK with my godson. We had some interesting chats as a result.

My significant birthday is of course 21. I don't want to read Lolita or War and Peace, so I think I shouldn't have to count those. I've threatened to hire a bouncy castle for the day Katie. If people are nice I might even let them go on it too. It was a lovely book Beth, conveyed some powerful stuff.

It's more that I would make you go into great detail about it Susan. Sorry about the 50 list though.

Again tired after fun and games volunteering this afternoon. Bubbles went down very well in the sunshine. Still reading: the lucky author is now in Venice, planning a novel. Learning about Sophie Calle, who has made art from following people. From the Tate website. Sophie Calle (born 9 October 1953) is a French writer, photographer, installation artist, and conceptual artist. Calle's work is distinguished by its use of arbitrary sets of constraints, and evokes the French literary movement of the 1960s known as Oulipo.

Her work frequently depicts human vulnerability, and examines identity and intimacy. She is recognized for her detective-like ability to follow strangers and investigate their private lives. Her photographic work often includes panels of text of her own writing. Guardian Reviews Fiction by ' Joe Ide now begins a series of novels relocating the brain of Baker Street to South Central Los Angeles. Holmes finds his latest incarnation in Isaiah Quintabe, a 26-year-old African American, whose brilliant mind justifies his initial-nickname of IQ.

In Hurston, a rough area where the finest diner is the Big Meaty Burger, he sets up as a private eye, taking on “local cases where the police could not or would not get involved'. IQ has known, as his London predecessor did, the temptation of recreational drugs, and his understanding of the criminal mentality is based on experience.

' Maybe my library will be able to order a copy now. By reviewed by 'His darkest and perhaps finest work since The Woman Who Walked Into Doors 20 years ago, Smile combines tropes from the various strands of Doyle’s career – childhood memories from the Barrytown trilogy, middle-aged regrets from The Guts and Bullfighting, pub conversations from Two Pints – and merges them into a unique novel, one that is terribly moving and even, at times, distressing, while saving its greatest surprise until the end.'

By reviewed by 'Chaudhuri has for a long time been ambivalent about the cultural capital the novel has claimed for itself. Addressing a symposium on literary activism in 2015, he spoke of how the form’s dominance seemed unlikely when, as a postgraduate student at Oxford, he began writing. It is “almost impossible now to remember”, he said, “that poetry was the literary genre to which the greatest prestige accrued until the mid-80s that we didn’t think of success in writing mainly in relation to the market, and in relation to a particular genre, the novel”. ' by reviewed by In 2008, Winnie M Li was raped twice while on a walk through Colin Glen Forest Park in Belfast. Li was 29; her attacker was just 15.

He pleaded guilty before the case could go to trial and was jailed for eight years. The book closely maps Li’s experience. In spare, direct prose it gives a first-person account of an attack on a Taiwanese-American called Vivian as she walks near Belfast. This is not an easy book to read.

The assault is brutal and degrading. Vivian does what she has to do “to survive” and we are made to see and feel it all. Also this Lost to translation: how English readers miss out on foreign female writers Only a third of books translated into English last year were by female writers.

As Women in Translation month wraps up, we investigate why – and if things are changing. None of the fiction is screaming at me.

LOVE the article on foreign women writers. Thanks for the link, Charlotte. Scout loves to play outside. There is a park across the street from my house, and a lake with geese within walking distance.

Yesterday we went to the 'Geese Park.' Took some bread and were swamped, Scout trying to bring order to the geese by shaming them. Then we also walked to a neighboring house to look at their fish pond. I think she will be pressuring dad to make a pond in their back yard.

We also spent some time on the porch with bubbles and chalk, which she is currently combining into a new art form. I often think about my fitness when I am with her; it's hard to keep up at times. This happened today. (Hangs head) I just Love that the Parker still has a note in it saying the price went up since 1946.

Lynda, you're just fuzzy on two? You're doing well! Still counting down on my trip, a month to go. Have been looking for a couple of new holiday bits this weekend. Thanks Barbara. Hope you have some time to relax from all your hard work in the schools. How you professionals do it I don't know.

I just help out for a short time and am exhausted:-) I love that you do all those things with your granddaughter. My gran was considerably older (both she and my mum were older when they had kids) but she made such lovely memories for us- we sang (she was a music teacher), she wrote us letters, took us to meet her friends in her village (who looking back were equally tolerant of us!) and baked sweet treats (and lots of other things too, but these are some that have stuck!) I miss her. Bubbles and chalk sound wonderful. Future engineer?

Speaking of women and translation - making a note here that I want to get hold of 's translation from the Italian, of 's novel,. (Thanks to Ellen's thread).

'A container is designed so that something can be placed inside it. It has a double identity in that it is either lacking contents or occupied: either empty or full. Containers often hold what is precious. They house our secrets. They keep us safe but can also imprison, ensnare. Ideally, containers stem chaos: they are supposed to keep things from dispersing, disappearing.

Ties is a novel full of containers, both literal and symbolic. In spite of them, things go missing.' I've been reading / scratching my head over.

It's a rather wonderful idea, to create an explorer figure to investigate the history of theories about quantum physics. So not my comfort zone, and I can't say that I understood it all. But there are some ideas within it that have rather blown my mind (all possible outcomes of any event existing simutaneously) - I'd come across them in scifi but had no grasp of them as 'real' theories. I loved that the various scientists appear in person to explain their theories.

I guess it's all comparative- my gran was 72 when I was born. I'm lucky ladies on my mum's side have had long lives, but I did feel very envious of my friend's partner whose active and smart as a pin gran still lives in the same city. I am a bit addicted to Litsy, which lets you do loads of very short book posts based on pictures. Makes quotes lot easier too, just taking a quick picture on my phone.

Wet wet wet here Susan. I was thinking about putting some bulbs in, but maybe not. I'm not surprised that takes a lot of energy, that sounds like a big ask of anyone. I love open evenings, think our next one will be in 2018.

This is a collection of short stories in translation from the Thai. I was a bit bemused by it all until I read the translators afterword, which explains why a story about a man talking to a woman on the bus about why she leaves spaces between her words is Interesting (Thai doesn't leave spaces between words). Lots here about affluent young people and their choices (a young couple are interrupted at a key moment by letters from a hoarding falling into their balcony, a group of copywriters meet to mourn a friend who killed herself). It's a globally connected Thailand - characters watch international movies, make plans to study in Londo, yet clearly cultures with their own logic and approach to life. Interesting, rather than gripping reading. My favourite was Pen in Parentheses: a young man looks back at the impact of his grandfather's movie-showing habit. Wow Mark, powerful stuff.

Thanks for posting. I've been digging up raspberry canes this morning, exhausting! Have put half in a pot for the house patio and half will go to the allotment. Not sure they'll survive as well but want to try converting more of the allotment to soft fruit.

A small lavender plant has gone in the hole, as the main reason for digging the canes up was that they were obscuring the rest of the border from the house. When the rain and wind stops I might be able to take a picture (and put in some bulbs). (ARC) I first came across Marian Keyes thanks to a very generous housemate at university. She writes believable friends in funny Irish families, with plenty of emotional turmoil and an optimistic ending. I can't remember one book that didn't make me laugh out loud. I can also recommend her Twitter feed.

'Maybe I’ll do a vlog with you.’ ‘Would I be on telly?’ ‘Granny.’ A note of warning has entered Neeve’s voice. ‘Don’t make me explain the internet to you again.’ ‘No, no. I understand it. It’s magic telly for the young people.’‘. It's an interesting thing, genre categories. I suspect Keyes' covers are about reassuring chick lit readers (and the massive markets there), rather than reflective of their content.

She is so funny, her books fly by, but she manages to deal with depression, infidelity, alcoholism - and say insightful things. She occasionally appears on the panel as part of the Strictly (your dancing with the stars) backstage show. I wish it was more often, as she makes me laugh. I wonder if the e book privacy effect has helped widen her readership. Oh, is it the BBC one where they each recommend a book? I can't listen to that anymore. I like the Mariella one though.

She seems to be a bit less worthy. You've reminded me to try to order IQ again, Kim (Beth? It wasn't too bad, as they haven't been in long enough for the roots to get really deep.

Just enough to be an effort! I love raspberries with my breakfast. Hoping we'll have a few more next year. Adored and was so peeved when its publication date was pushed back last year and all my early warblings about it were in vain!! My copy went to a novelist friend who teaches, and wanted novellas/short fiction to read and draw on for a class.

I may have to replace that ARC. Not a massive fan of Marian Keyes, alas. My chick lit read of choice is Trisha Ashley. Nope, she doesn't do many socially redeeming plots, but she tends to go off on wild tangents, and also to be very quirkily funny. Her female characters, although they may end up romantically paired, are also independent, sometimes to an extreme.

(Some founded a magazine called 'Skint Old Northern Women', which occasionally pops up in subsequent books.) She's kind of rebellious, in a way, especially in her earlier books. Also, when I discovered her books, her main characters were older - at least in their 30s and sometimes their 40s. They had had lives and careers. They knew who they were. I could relate to them in a way I couldn't to typical chick lit heroines, who tended to be married mums, or 20-somethings in search of romance and Mr. Some of her edge has been tempered, but I still have fun re-reading books like, which should be required reading for anyone who has ever read any other chick lit book. Because it's perfect.

I've lost my passport, so instead of reading, have spent the last hour trying to work out the replacement procedure. We're all very relieved at casa Charlotte, that we don't fall into the category, after all, of needing to provide details of my parents' parents' date of birth, and date of marriage. (Both parents born abroad). What do people do if their parents aren't around anymore to help with this stuff?

Reading the small print also makes me mad at immigration officialdom generally. 'If your claim to citizenship is through your father, at time of immigration provide evidence of his marriage to your mother' or something like that. Stamps feet and gets generalĺy cross. I'd be intrigued to hear how it turns out. The family recipe (which sounds much grander than the tattered notebook it's written in) is a favourite, very tasty. I think the word is spreading, as it's already been requested by someone else. Also my mum is reading it before I take it back.

Natural raspberries sound good to me. My canes were from Aldi, but did remarkably well in the new border. Hope they don't take offence at being moved. Just messing with you Kim.

Thanks for taking it in such good humour. Yup, I've been posting over on Litsy- another one the LT friends got right. She's very funny, Joe. Her families always seem very believable to me, and I think reflect her own upbringing in a large chatty Irish family. Not twee though. It certainly took long enough to arrive at my library.

It sat on my reservation list so long I felt sure I was going to get told that the mysterious library supplier gods had decided that, after all, it didn't really exist. I love the title of that book. Reminds me of. Hi Charlotte. I just added to the library wish list based on your comments. It looks terrific.

I'm reading right now my own self. Liking it but not sure where it's headed. And I'm another huge fan of! SO sorry about the passport thing! I had a minor panic about a month ago when I could not find mine. I did find it but there was about 45 minutes of 'oh crap' thinking going on in this household.

I'm glad I enticed you with. As I said on my thread, 's introductory comments about translating the novel immediately captured my attention! Guardian Reviews Non-fiction by reviewed by 'It might be a personal history that he attempts to recount but much is an utterly familiar trawl through postwar Britain. The resistance to modernism, the Festival of Britain, discovering Le Corbusier, the ineffable Smithsons, Stirling and Gowan, an Aldermaston march – and then Yale, where he met another Fulbright scholar, Norman Foster, who would become his first collaborator.' By reviewed by Paul Sagar '.would perhaps be expected to be a collection of the usual platitudes and cliches, the sort of kitsch that characterises many sporting biographies, but this is not what we get at all.stands out as a genuine achievement in its own right – and is about much more than just climbing.'

By reviewed by 'In a familiar attempt to scare the electorate, the Daily Telegraph misquoted Beveridge saying that his report was taking the country “half-way to Moscow”. In reality, he was taking it no further east than Whitechapel and Poplar, the social laboratories in which so much late-Victorian and Edwardian thinking about the best means to relieve poverty had been incubated.' By reviewed by Gaby Hinsliff 'Like a sort of giant supermarket sweep through the dodgier aisles of Westminster.' By reviewed by '.what gives this book its astonishing power is not the guilt, but the intelligence and literary skill. As a narrative, it’s beautifully structured, weaving its way from the family’s childhood holidays in rural Sweden to their lives in London, returning always to the hideous image of Hans and Eva’s bedroom as the dark centre of the story.' Hope this one finds lots of readers.

Fun news from Hadrian's wall: Archaeologists stumbled on the site by chance and have been taken aback by finds in a remarkable state of preservation. These include two extremely rare cavalry swords – one of them complete, still with its wooden scabbard, hilt and pommel – and two wooden toy swords.

One has a gemstone in its pommel. As well as other weapons, including cavalry lances, arrowheads and ballista bolts – all left behind on the floors – there are combs, bath clogs, shoes, stylus pens, hairpins and brooches. Sections of beautifully woven cloth have also been unearthed. Unearthed near Hadrian’s Wall: lost secrets of first Roman soldiers to fight the Picts. Looks like a good read! As far as what to pack in the book department, paper backs?

Do you have an e- reader? I have an old Kindle, but I much prefer paper books. Like you, I'm trying to get some Long Listed Bookers read. I really loved by Shamsie, and wasn't bad.


I'm currently slogging through. I've read by which I thought was lovely, but is more of a western, and crumbs, it's boring to me. Words without end, even though it's only about 230 pages! I've got waiting to be read as well. Best wishes with the passport. I was irked enough about leaving my bank card in the machine last Thursday and having to dash into the bank the following day and grab it before it was destroyed. A passport is whole other ball of wax.

Happy Monday! I found it easy reading Susan, and liked the Prioress (although as I got more and more tired, read it as Princess a couple of times, which was a bit confusing. I do have a kindle Deborah, and can read it on my phone, bit there is something rather nice to me about reading a paperback. The problem is it needs to be good, but not so good that I want to keep it!

The very nice passport lady said I was approved, so phew all round. Now I just have to worry about trousers vs skirt ratio etc. I had no idea we had so many fans of archaeology here! Sounds like a future meet up (or virtual meet up perhaps) in a dig would be a good idea. Translated from the Spanish, this was a weird, creepy collection of stories. There is an afterword about the book by the translator, and she writes about how the Argentinian context can be said to shape the stories, from the drugs and poverty to the extreme violence.

I'm not sure how all that explains the gothic horror - although clearly the political history of Argentina could be brought in here too. All the classics are here, from a haunted house story, possession and disappearances.

Some really grisly ideas, and whilst sometimes I felt the endings weren't as tight as they needed to be, the description of settings, from ghetto to rural hotel to rundown central Buenos Aires more than made up for this. I have heard that before Deborah! I think there is a quote about the US and UK being two nations divided by one language. I guess Canada too. I've been reading on, if slowly, through, which doesn't really have much of a plot that I can see, but has some great lines. Matti had laughed and said that if all the people in Israel who hinted that they worked for the Mossad actually did, then it would be the largest employer in the country.

Think of all the banal domestic secrets whose cover- up the Mossad has unknowingly sponsored, he said. Listening to which features amusing accounts of how Cambridge citizens viewed academics solving conflict in the 14th century (as this involved street riots, not very highly). Read, light romance in the apparently unending Bridgerton series, if you watched While You Were Sleeping, and can imagine that transplanted to the war of Independence, you have the general idea. Was impressed the author didn't whitewash colonial slaveholding history, either. Yup, it's my mind meld Spock technology, I've been practising.

Or practicing. Whichever is spelled correctly.

I'm not even going to begin to talk about the order in which the Bridgertons were read (or not read) in. I found medieval history a bit tenuous at uni, so was quite glad at that point I'd not done it.

Of course now I know archaeology is all over and much more recent, so humph. There's always retirement, I guess. Booker shortlist. I guess I should probably read all of the ones I haven't read yet, but I can't say they're particularly calling my name, with the possible exception of. And Auster Schmuster, frankly. Now reading, a detective story which is managing to make me laugh.

Although it does feature flashbacks. His teacher, Mrs. Washington, was a severe woman who looked to be all gristle underneath her brightly colored pantsuits.

Lavender, Kelly green, peach. She talked to the class like somebody had tricked her into it. “All right,” she said. “Inductive reasoning. It’s what those so-called detectives on CSI, SVU, LMNOP and all the rest of them call deductive reasoning, which is wrong and they should know better.

It’s inductive reasoning, a tool you will use frequently in geometry as well as calculus and trigonometry, assuming you get that far and that certainly won’t be you, Jacquon. Stop messing with that girl’s hair and pay attention. Your grade on that last test was so low I had to write it on the bottom of my shoe.” Mrs. Washington glared at Jacquon until his face melted. She began again: “Inductive reasoning is reasoning to the most likely explanation. It begins with one or more observations, and from those observations we come to a conclusion that seems to make sense. An example: Jacquon was walking home from school and somebody hit him on the head with a brick twenty-five times.

Washington and her husband, Wendell, are the suspects. Washington is five feet three, a hundred and ten pounds, and teaches school. Wendell is six-two, two-fifty, and works at a warehouse. So who would you say is the more likely culprit?” Isaiah and the rest of the class said Wendell. Washington said. “Because Mrs. Washington may have wanted to hit Jacquon with a brick twenty-five times but she isn’t big or strong enough.

Seems reasonable given the facts at hand, but here’s where inductive reasoning can lead you astray. You might not have all the facts.

Such as Wendell is an accountant at the warehouse who exercises by getting out of bed in the morning, and before Mrs. Washington was a schoolteacher she was on the wrestling team at San Diego State in the hundred-and-five-to-hundred-and-sixteen-pound weight class and would have won her division if that blond girl from Cal Northridge hadn’t stuck a thumb in her eye. Jacquon, I know your mother and if I tell her about your behavior she will beat you ’til your name is Jesus.”. “I think that whether you intend to or not, the times that you live in emerge in the work that you produce. If you’re a writer of lyrics especially, it’s going to be in you and it’s got to come out.

I think that if you intentionally try to make political music you will fall at the first hurdle, because your asking your idea to be something before your idea has revealed to you what it wants to be.” Kate Tempest on her new work. Glad it's catching a bit more attention. It's not quite the beautifully written characters and plot of Walter Mosley, but I enjoy the nods to Holmes and Watson, the originality in not following what (I) expect in a crime novel- it's a series I'll be following (when the UK publisher catches up: sigh). I want points from Susan for starting a series at the beginning, also. So much catching up!

A tour of the London Library sounds fabulous. Shall I join you?.grin.

I get a little testy about those lists. I am sure that there are some books that should be read by all, but isn't that rather subjective? Like you said in, I usually don't agree with all the ones on the lists Lol. I would nix, for example. I only managed 50 years of that one and it was an awful slog. I have not read either one of those ladies. Have just requested a sample from my LL, including, because sometimes, GOOD chick lit is just what is required.

Lost Passport!.reading quickly along to see what happens. Phew! Solved.:) Very cool stuff from Hadrian's wall.

Thanks for sharing! I may have just taken a BB there. Guardian Reviews Fiction by reviewed by '.it is a contemporary Bonfire of the Vanities, New York seen from the inside and the outside, as only a writer of multiple slaves such as Rushdie. By reviewed by '.isnt just an entertaining ghost story, assembled by a master manipulator to be full of narrative trapdoors. It's also an exploration of the deep mythology of the theatre.' By reviewed by '.the narrative meanders between a bewildering array of storylines.' By reviewed by 'A tantalising addition to the inexhaustible game of 'what if'.'

Paperbacks by reviewed by 'Bird die-offs, mass fish deaths, wildfires and storms are just the beginning.' By reviewed by '.about looking, seeing, asking ourselves if we can ever really understand what makes a person tick.

' by reviewed by '.a strange hybrid, both determinedly contemporary and oddly old-fashioned.' Thrillers round up including, and, and on her first book post Trump's election. Seems like there are a lot of books that are tempting this week Beth. I hadn't thought of that Susan. I wonder if there is any good merchandise the publisher might have put out. I could imagine a good poster being repurposed for the office. I've only listened to.

He's written a lot hasn't he. I enjoyed the first two Salanders and had had more than enough about half way through the third. My crime reading is all over the place, so would be good to know what everyone else makes of it I can't pretend to want to read the Rushdie, Paul, but it's fun to read a positive review. And I do really respect Aminatta Forna's opinion.

(Have I convinced myself yet?). Me either Deborah, no confession necessary! I am looking forward to my trip a lot, although the butterflies have also kicked in - this will be the first trip back for years and my mum says lots has changed. I'm just reading a tiny bit from an ARC that I've been bad about reading, despite finding it very readable and interesting. The point is he had had no need to take sides in the Dreyfus Affair, and prior to that, he had had no need to produce two highly partisan articles decrying anti-semitism. He was a novelist and cultural critic, not a politician.

He continued: ‘Our life will pick up again and be greater and more magnificent.' I like his optimism: he's just had to run from the French courts and the press and is in the UK, where the roads for his bike are much worse (I love little details like this). I missed the post where you wrote that you lost your passport (it might have been reading your thread on my phone and strange things happened so I skipped some posts - hate when that happens). Good thing that you checked in time!

Not long before your trip now. How is the trip planning going? I have a love/hate relationship with trip planning: love to see all the possibilities but hate to check if they are practical and hate to be so programmed. I am deep into planning some trips for October so I can relate but I have the added work of research planning - that can be a rabbit hole! I'll definitely plan to see the penguins, it's just whether I go on another tour too, Mark. I need to check with my aunt if she fancies it I guess. I knew I'd read about on someone'sthread!

It looks really good. I'm hoping to get hold of the next IQ instalment soon. Because I've been a few times, and because I mostly want to be with family, the planning is a bit hit and miss. And also because I hate being closely programmed. Every time I go I have been reminded of how much I value the simple pleasure of being able to walk and travel where I want to go (mostly ) without having to worry about safety in the UK.

From.for when we migrate, we murder from our lives those we leave behind. I read about this book today and decided I 'ought ' to support the author and buy it.

Hoping when it turns up it isn't a brick. Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize 2017 Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize logo Cordelia Fine’s explosive study of gender politics has won the 30th anniversary Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize. Judges praised Fine’s powerful book, for its eye-opening, forensic look at gender stereotypes and its urgent call for change Since 1988 the Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize has celebrated outstanding popular science writing and authors. Open to books written for a non-specialist audience, hundreds of entries are submitted by publishers from all over the world. I was defeated by the ology one, even when I read all the clues on the pirate thread. I think it's just a little one who has worked out that tears mean his parents come and enforce his way over older siblings.

But it's pretty tear jerking for me! I think you deserve a prize for finding one without even trying! I was so glad they had the talk thread, as so much of then are about finding a part of the site - I'd get so frustrated knowing the reference to the book or person and just not being on the right link! I started reading last night. Lovely shiny new book with beautiful illustrations and photos.

Guardian non-fiction by reviewed by '.if you want a good scrap.a couple of these pieces will keep you going for a long time. ' by reviewed by '.a portal into a lost Jewish London and a portrait of the artist as a nervy young man.

' by reviewed by 'takes his cue not just from our perennial fascination with our pets, but proximately from the promotion over the past 20 years or so of the idea that these pets are in some way good for us.according to Bradshaw, the scientific basis for these claims is threadbare at best.' By reviewed by 'Gibraltar did not, as the title claims, defeat Hitler.'

By reviewed by 'Artificial intelligence need not be evil and need not be encased in a robotic frame to wreak havoc.' By Douglas Murphy reviewed by Oliver Wainwright ' The classically educated Johnson should have known the Ephebic oath of the Athenians, to leave the city more beautiful than you found it. Instead he furnished London with a plethora of ill-conceived ornaments, novelty solutions to problems that didn't exist.' By reviewed by '.filled with startling information about the effects of suboptimal shut-eye levels. It's not a book you should even be thinking about in bed, let alone reading.the stuff of nightmares.'

I did add to my UK Kindle TBR mountain at a rather attractive price a while back, principally because I quite liked her first series, starting with, and was drawn to it by the idea of a book set in Cromwell's era. Haven't read it, though a bad narrator can really ruin an otherwise acceptable novel.

You ended up hitting me with several book bullets as a result of the Pepys/Evelyn book. I'll get the Athenaeum here to put in a purchase order for that, but my look at its page on Amazon led me to another book about the literary friendship between Hume and Adam Smith, which is another 'must read' and then to Mark Lilla's just published book about liberalism and identity politics, which I did end up purchasing. Is there such a thing as the book bullet domino theory? Off to do some reading. Suzanne, I can't be held responsible for the books you found when you were on the page for a book I recommended.

I didn't really understand all the hoo ha for the Reluctant F, but I really liked. I think I might even try the middle book he wrote, something about being filthy rich? I forget the title just now. And fingers crossed for speedy passport return. Lucky escape there, Beth!

Will you have enough to be going on with?(!!) I'm full of cold and feeling sorry for myself. Hopefully this means I've got time to get well instead of sharing my bugs with everyone on my flight. I'll put a vote in for you to read. I gave it 4.5 stars, though I don't remember if that well. But I preferred to. Sorry your not feeling well.

Sounds interesting. I recall watching a film about Fatal Familial Insomnia back in a psychology class. The stuff of night mares indeed. It followed a man and his family suffering from the illness. The first I'd ever heard of that.

When did you mail the parcel? That way I'll have a better idea of whether it is the window of possibility of arriving. As Meg says, sometimes Canada Post is very slow. I also live on the very western edge of North America, whereas Mark is on the eastern edge. I rather like the idea although a colleague's recent accounts of a visit accompanied by water shortages and incredible temperatures gave me Pause. Still feeling pretty rough, despite the meds and the sleep. But now my folks are back so I'm being plied with tea.

I love Michael Rosen. I do wonder when he sleeps though, this week he popped up as curator of an exhibition of working class artists' work from the 1920s. Hope Mr S feels better soon.

Full flu is no joke. If you lived closer I'd be popping round to get some pet therapy.

(Something to be grateful for there, for you, I think:-) Have been reading sick room appropriate books, which turns out to include in little bits and falling asleep to (and rewinding). I had objected to the narrator, who was so portentous he was driving me a bit nuts. He reminded me rather strongly of Sean Bean doing his full on northern hard man act, which turns out to be. what he was going for, as the character was supposed to be from Sheffield. I'm not sure why, but knowing this, I was less bothered by it, and the story helped too.

A murder mystery under Cromwell, I suspect this might have been a rave review if I read it rather than listened. As well as the period detail, there's lots of moral ambiguity with people living with the aftermath of civil war, a wide range of characters and some lovely historical 'walking London' detail. The downside was that for me, there was rather too much telling about how afraid everyone was of the main character (kind of a Cromwellian James Bond, with a Dark Past) rather than a more subtle approach, but I could see that as the first book in a series the author is setting up the character.I guess, as the actor's home accent is Lancashire. Yes, I was sufficiently bothered to look up his agent's webpage. Well, I won't panic just yet then. Do hope it arrives eventually though.

I really enjoyed this exploration of the lives of Pepys and Evelyn, two friends who both wrote diaries which have been used to explore the everyday lives of people under Cromwell and the Restoration. There are lots of plates with images from Pepys & Evelyn's lives, and the author clearly knows a great deal about the period. It's not particularly academic in tone, at 250 pages it's a manageable read, and there are some really funny quotes (my favourite was the pet monkey that Pepys just happens to mention in his diary) and it fit in really well with the fiction listen which is set in the same period. I've got a big BB for a book about what Pepys read (called ), and his library, but this book includes a chapter discussing both of their habits as book collectors, I hadn't realised that Pepys, in particular, was so important to the collection of some early printing history (although I was amused that the writer describes Pepys being deliberately vague about some of the really old/ valuable texts he owned, presumably so that he wouldn't have to let other people see them!). Evelyn comes off as rather pompous in comparison to the direct and sociable Pepys, but their friendship makes for an interesting tie between the two.

There is a lot of background material that (I think) sometimes is not sufficiently 'personally' linked to the two diarists, but it was interesting social history, so enjoyable reading on that basis. (Magdalen College, Cambridge, where Pepys' library now sits. Poor Evelyn's library was sold off in bits.:-. I don't think I'll be able to afford/ fit all of these in, but I'm enjoying window shopping the tours - Creative Cape Town ape Town is considered one of the most creative cities in the world. It has an abundance of music, art, design, fashion and food, not to mention the natural creative assets the city was blessed with. The 4 hour programme includes three elements.

They might include an artist-guided street art tour a visit to the studio of a fashion designer lunch and a concert at the home of a Cape Town musician a visit to the studio of a fine artist or a local chef. Take a seat at Paulina’s overlooking the Rickety Bridge vineyards. Sip a glassful of crisp estate wine and enjoy a delicious lunch while drinking in the splendour of the magnificent surroundings. Can street art be the medium between creating beautiful things, beautiful spaces as well as bridging the visible divides within the City? Cape Town has fast become well know for this resilient art form that has evolved over the years with significant pieces spread throughout the urban area. Some of the best displays from renowned local and international artists are found in the vibrant restored suburb of Woodstock. Sounds good to me, Katie.

When I've done them before, 4 was more than enough. The fancy arts tour, unsurprisingly, was rather pricey. Bit if they deliver, I could see it would be worth it. Thanks for the wishes Deborah. I am leaning towards the trips that include food as well as wine, for the nap related reasons.

Still reading 's ‘Those horses have got me going,’ she said afterwards. They lay side by side staring at the ceiling. ‘Why do I take the notion more often when we’re away?’ said Stella. ‘Can you guess?' ‘No.’ ‘Because I don’t have to think of dinners. On a daily basis.

It’s the bane of my life. Remember Mister and Missus Sheep?’ ‘No?’ ‘Mister Sheep says I’m fed up eating the same grass, day in, day out.

’ ‘And?’ ‘And Missus Sheep says At least I don’t have to cook it.’. Guardian Reviews Fiction by reviewed by 'His Lear is Henry Dunbar, the head of an international media cooperation – like Conrad Black or Rupert Murdoch – and is brilliantly awful.

He has had a lifetime of power, over reputations and lives.' I'm not sure. Not a Lear fan. By reviewed by Sarah Ditum '.any reader who knows their sci-fi will also know that, from RoboCop’s OmniCorp to Oryx and Crake’s OrganInc, you can never trust a business with an intercap.

' Love this line. Have the book to read. By reviewed by 'As a novelist, Egan possesses an unusual mix of qualities, combining a powerful social realism with poetic resonances that derive from her precise imagery and her fascination with the limitations of language. Here, she places her characters in situations that permit trenchant cultural observations, writing revealingly about the challenges of coming of age in the middle of the American century, when women’s lives were substantially circumscribed. But this novel is also metaphysical in nature: Egan’s characters are transformed by the vast ocean around them, which both hides and reveals.' I have this one too! By reviewed by 'The narrators of the stories in Worlds from the Word’s End are strikingly similar, to each other and to the narrators of Walsh’s previous works, but then one of them becomes a dog, which complicates matters a little.

As in Hotel and Vertigo, they travel from one dreamlike place to another, residing in half-empty hotels, trying to write, or read, or focus on anything at all.' Poetry: by reviewed by An “author’s note” explains the poems are written “in a Lenkvitch that my ear remembers as the way my paternal grandmother spoke”. She adds, simply, that her “first 17 years were my grandmother’s last”. Liesel lived in a quiet north London suburb and, visiting her, Herxheimer often wondered how Leisel and her husband had transported “such enormous heavy wooden furniture with them whilst fleeing for their lives”. The book is full of Herxheimer’s wonderful black-and-white papercuts of this remembered furniture – a shelf on which a coffee cup steams, a curvaceous sideboard, a table set with a lacy cloth (one poem is entitled My Demesk Tapell-Kloss). She suggests: “Reading the poems aloud is a good way in.” I’d say it was essential. At first, you might think the spelling a gimmick but the more you read, the more powerful the language.'

My finger is hovering on the order button. Crime fiction roundup 'Six hours after she has made arrangements for her own funeral, wealthy widow Diana Cowper is found strangled.' 'Garnier’s startling and surprisingly moving novels tend to centre on strange goings-on in French provincial settings, creating a world that is at once familiar and utterly bizarre. A stranger appears at the door claiming to be Lavenant’s long-lost son, things start to go horribly wrong in entirely unexpected ways.' 'Five bodies found in Ireland’s Wicklow Mountains National Park are the starting point for.the third book in Jo Spain’s series featuring Inspector Thomas Reynolds of Dublin’s murder investigation unit ' 'a welcome addition to the ranks of coma lit.' 'Caleb Zelic, private investigator and narrator. Is cut off from the world by a profound deafness that has made him not only a vigilant observer of nonverbal clues, but also a human bulwark against emotional closeness.

When he goes to an old friend’s home and discovers that the man has been brutally murdered, he must – with the aid of his partner, former police officer Frankie, and a final text message from the dead man – prove his own innocence by finding the killer. ' Children's - by reviewed by Sarah Donaldson 'The detail of Cowell’s imagined world is a delight, not least in her scratchy pencil illustrations that evoke the darting, insect-like sprites or the pitch-black terrors of the forest. And her kinetic prose barely pauses for breath as Xar and Wish leap from one action-packed scrape to the next (you can practically see the scenes from the already-signed Dreamworks film jumping off the pages).' Something I've often wondered: Cover versions: why are UK and US book jackets often so different?

'One jacket designer, Stuart Bache, says the gulf between British and US design has narrowed in recent years, especially in literary fiction. Traditionally, US design tended towards literal interpretation, driven, Bache believes, by the complexity of the US market: the image that motivates readers in southern California to pick up a copy of a book is likely to be different to what appeals to readers in South Carolina.

As a result, US jackets have tended to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and that does not make for good design.' What about Canada, Charlotte?

Why don't they mention us? I think we get a mix of both covers. I must admit I much prefer the colourful cover on my copy of to your black and white cover in the UK. The only big thing I recall is the Harry Potter's Series. Here in Canada the first book was called like in the UK, but in the USA the title was changed to, since it was thought that that the ' Sorcerer's ' stone would be better ' understood' in the USA. Don't ask me why. Still feeling yucky and nauseous.

Hope I am soon feeling better. Your trip is quite soon now! I've done a first pack, panicked a bit and am now trying to work out what to leave. Half the problem is that there is a severe water shortage there, so whereas I'm not normally someone to take lots of clothes, I feel guilty expecting to use my aunt's washing machine more than I have to, but think I'm just going to have to manage because I hate carrying so much stuff with me. I liked it a lot Kerry, but not quite a rave review.

Someone else has requested it after me, and I waited a good while, so it's clearly popular here though. I liked this a lot, it's a clever idea. Two brothers walk home in 1348, surrounded by the plague (with lots of grim detail about people dying in the roads, boats scudding down the river manned only by corpses, parents devastated by the loss of their children). After infection, they are offered a choice: to have a day every 99 years for six days as a chance for redemption. I was mostly really impressed how Mortimer told John and William's story across history, demonstrating what changes and what stays the same. At some points though, I could have done with a lighter touch on the 'lessons' from history.

I didn't really think it was necessary to reiterate the transient nature of wealth and property: the story was making this point very clearly. The point about the poor getting poorer was also rather laboured, rather than following the drive of the narrative it sometimes felt like a detour. In places John and William seemed remarkably quick to learn, for example John's description of films as a moving newspaper. Despite these caveats, recommended as a good historical read.

Next → The seventh season of originally aired on between September 2010 and May 2011. It consisted of 22 episodes. Its regular time slot moved to Fridays at 9pm/8c.

The premiere, 'The 34th Floor', concluded the story from the previous season's finale, 'Vacation Getaway'. The season introduced a new regular character, Jo Danville, after regular moved to to head up their crime lab., who played Bonasera, did not renew her contract. CSI: NY The Seventh Season was released on in the U.S.

On September 27, 2011. McKay, Mary-Jane (July 13, 2010). Retrieved June 29, 2011.

Retrieved May 22, 2015. Gorman, Bill (September 27, 2010). Retrieved February 16, 2011. Seidman, Robert (October 5, 2010).

Retrieved February 16, 2011. Gorman, Bill (October 11, 2010). Retrieved February 16, 2011. Seidman, Robert (October 18, 2010).

Retrieved February 16, 2011. Gorman, Bill (October 25, 2010). Retrieved February 16, 2011. Seidman, Robert (November 1, 2010). Retrieved February 16, 2011. Gorman, Bill (November 8, 2010). Retrieved February 16, 2011.

Seidman, Robert (November 15, 2010). Retrieved November 16, 2010. Seidman, Robert (November 22, 2010). Retrieved February 16, 2011.

Gorman, Bill (December 6, 2010). Retrieved February 16, 2011.

Gorman, Bill (January 8, 2011). Retrieved January 8, 2011. Gorman, Bill (January 18, 2011). Retrieved January 19, 2011. Seidman, Robert (February 7, 2011). Retrieved February 7, 2011. Gorman, Bill (February 14, 2011).

Retrieved February 14, 2011. Seidman, Robert (February 22, 2011). Retrieved February 22, 2011. Gorman, Bill (February 28, 2011). Retrieved February 28, 2011.

Gorman, Bill (March 14, 2011). Retrieved March 14, 2011. Seidman, Robert (April 4, 2011). Retrieved April 4, 2011. Gorman, Bill (April 11, 2011). Retrieved April 11, 2011. Gorman, Bill (May 2, 2011).

Retrieved May 2, 2011. Gorman, Bill (May 9, 2011). Retrieved May 9, 2011. Seidman, Robert (May 18, 2011). Retrieved May 18, 2011. External links Wikiquote has quotations related to:. on.

on. on CSI Files. on.