Globe Animation In Flash


I require a spinning globe animation for a Joomla website for my client. The animation must allow for certain elements (countries/continents) to be clickable and link either to pages on the site or external websites. For this part, the globe should stop rotating when the mouse hovers over a clickable region, the region should be highlighted (eg.

  1. Flash Animation Software

The border made bold, the colour changed and the country flag/Name shown). By default the globe should spin counter-clockwise, but moving the mouse over the animation should slow the speed down and as stated above it must stop once the mouse hovers over a clickable region and re-start when it is moved away.

The globe will be on a transparent background with a drop shadow underneath (otherwise black background). Additionally I would like a dot point list to appear beside the globe of all of the countries/regions which are clickable. Requirements for programming: 1) You may use any language - please specify in your bid which language you will use 2) The animation must be simple to implement into a Joomla website; either as a Module or other methods which you may state in your proposal.


Flash Animation Software

Globe animation in flash playerFlash

»Added 2006-09-21 »Rating 5.72 »Votes 209 »Author adrianTNT »Website »Version Flash 7 »Description Rotating globe animation.Made with Flash MX 2004. The animation is made by motion tweening and masking. Comments. globe animation Posted by prk on 12:07am flash animation. Great animated globe! Posted by Suhaimi Shaamland on 06:07pm Can you make the red globe one for me?. You must have javascript enabled in order to post comments.

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