Patch Italiano Gothic 2 Patch
I would not recommend the Ironkeep mod, especially if this is your first time through. It isn't just a pure bug patch; while it does fix a couple of bugs (which are easily avoided when playing) it also makes some fairly substantial gameplay changes, most of which make no sense. As far as I know you do need Night of the Raven installed to install the Ironkeep mod. Also note that Gothic II is significantly harder with Night of the Raven installed-much harder than the first game. While NotR adds a huge amount of great content and makes it an overall better game you may want to think about playing the vanilla Gothic II on your first time through to get a good feel for how things work. On the other hand, if you are the sort of hardcore person who always plays games on Hard the first time through NotR might be just what you want.:). You only need to install the 1.0a.
The ICP patch works with Gothic2 Gold or Gothic2 + NOTR. I'm not sure if it works with just Gothic2, i'm under the impression it doesn't.
When istalling the ICP patch 1.0a you can choose to install just the patch or to install both the patch and the alternative balancing files. Here's the readme:.

Night of the Raven: IronKeep Community Patch v 1.0a Hotfix by Ironkeep Studios About the Patch: Gothic II: Night of the Raven is an excellent game, after all these years. However, it is still somewhat beset by bugs, even with the latest release. Our patch aims to fix as many of these bugs as possible, and enhance the experience of those playing Gothic II Gold. As we fix more bugs, patches will be released. If there is a bug you would like addressed, please let us know.
What we have done has been included in the changelog below. Regards, The Ironkeep Studios Team. Alternative Balancing: We have added an optional alternative balancing system for NOTR. With the Alternative Balancing System installed, Monsters are tougher, but LP costs have been rebalanced, stat limits are increased, new Weapons and Items added, and other new features have been implemented. As such, this is essentially the sequel to the earlier Heights of Power mod, previously published by Korianous. A full compiled list of Alternative Balancing content is located in the changelog.
NOTE: It is possible that the Alternative Balancing.vdf could screw with some mods. In case you are having trouble, simply add a.bak or.disabled extension to the.vdf file while playing a mod.
To re-enable it while playing NOTR, just remove the.bak extension. New LP Costs: Training STR/DEX/MANA from 10-60 costs 1 LP/Skill Point Training STR/DEX/MANA from 60-120 costs 2 LP/Skill Point Training STR/DEX/MANA from 120-180 costs 3 LP/Skill Point Training STR/DEX/MANA from 180-240 costs 4 LP/Skill Point Training STR/DEX/MANA from 240-300 costs 5 LP/Skill Point LP costs for combat training are unaffected.
Gothic 2 Official Site
Only certain teachers will be able to train you to this new maximum, you’ll just have to find them. With the aid of stat boosters (stone tablets, potions, etc.) your attributes can potentially be raised to the absolute limit of 400. Damage Table for Rescaled Claw of Beliar: Player Claw 1H 2H Level Level Dmg Dmg.
Hello, after hours of browsing the internet I've managed to launch the game through Steam and make it actually work. Here's what you need to do. Install patch 2.6. You can find it here: 2. Install Gothic 2 System pack. You can find it here: NOTICE: Download System Pack for Gothic2 not 1, Otherwise it won't work.
Open the Hidden spoilers window and find 'Gothic2 NOTR system pack 1.1 version of the file. Download and install it. Play it through Steam! It will launch normally and count your playtime. And you don't even need GothicStarter mod. Originally posted by Preston:Hello, after hours of browsing the internet I've managed to launch the game through Steam and make it actually work. Here's what you need to do.
Install patch 2.6. You can find it here: 2. Install Gothic 2 System pack. You can find it here: NOTICE: Download System Pack for Gothic2 not 1, Otherwise it won't work. Open the Hidden spoilers window and find 'Gothic2 NOTR system pack 1.1 version of the file.
Download and install it. Play it through Steam! It will launch normally and count your playtime. And you don't even need GothicStarter mod. Originally posted by Preston:Hello, after hours of browsing the internet I've managed to launch the game through Steam and make it actually work. Here's what you need to do. Install patch 2.6.
You can find it here: 2. Install Gothic 2 System pack. You can find it here: NOTICE: Download System Pack for Gothic2 not 1, Otherwise it won't work. Open the Hidden spoilers window and find 'Gothic2 NOTR system pack 1.1 version of the file. Download and install it. Play it through Steam! It will launch normally and count your playtime.
And you don't even need GothicStarter mod. You don't need to read it. In case you feel better, use chrome to translate the page. Open the spoilers and look for g2notr-systempack-1.1.exe - 2.10 MB (2,202,976 bytes). Is it so hard?