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GitHub’s search supports a variety of different operations. Here’s a quick cheat sheet for some of the common searches. For more information, visit our.
Basic search This search Finds repositories with cat stars:100 Find cat repositories with greater than 100 stars. User:defunkt Get all repositories from the user defunkt. Tom location:'San Francisco, CA' Find all tom users in 'San Francisco, CA'. Join extension:coffee Find all instances of join in code with coffee extension. NOT cat Excludes all results containing cat. Repository search Repository search looks through the projects you have access to on GitHub.

You can also filter the results: This search Finds repositories with cat stars:100 Find cat repositories with greater than 100 stars. User:defunkt Get all repositories from the user defunkt.
Pugs pushed:2013-01-28 Pugs repositories pushed to since Jan 28, 2013. Node.js forks:1000 Find all instances of system in code of file size greater than 1000kbs. Examples path:/docs/ Find all examples in the path /docs/.
Replace fork:true Search replace in the source code of forks. Issue search Issue search looks through issues and pull requests on GitHub. You can also filter the results: This search Finds issues encoding user:heroku Encoding issues across the Heroku organization. Cat is:open Find cat issues that are open. Strange comments:42 Issues with more than 42 comments. Hard label:bug Hard issues labeled as a bug. Author:mojombo All issues authored by mojombo.
Mentions:tpope All issues mentioning tpope. Assignee:rtomayko All issues assigned to rtomayko. Exception created:2012-12-31 Created since the beginning of 2013.
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Exception updated:10 Find all ryan users with more than 10 repositories.