Wii System Update 4.2u
I am still on 4.1U, mainly because 4.2U offered basically nothing and ricked bricking my Wii, though 4.3U has some useful things. So I have a few questions to ask.
The latest version of HackMii installer supports USB2.0 through the IOS58 that 4.3U added, so then should I install the latest version of HackMii first then 4.3, or 4.3 first? Does 4.3 still attempt to reflash your boot2? Is there any sort of 'safe' updater that only installs the channel, ios files, etc that are missing from 4.2 and 4.3 without actually stubbing my 200+ CIOS files, deleting my homebrew, undoing any of my hacks, patching security holes, etc? Basicallly, what would be the safest and least messy way to go from 4.1U to 4.3U while keeping all my hacks and not risking a brick that replaces my boot2 installed bootmii? I am still on 4.1U, mainly because 4.2U offered basically nothing and ricked bricking my Wii, though 4.3U has some useful things. So I have a few questions to ask.
The latest version of HackMii installer supports USB2.0 through the IOS58 that 4.3U added, so then should I install the latest version of HackMii first then 4.3, or 4.3 first? Does 4.3 still attempt to reflash your boot2? Is there any sort of 'safe' updater that only installs the channel, ios files, etc that are missing from 4.2 and 4.3 without actually stubbing my 200+ CIOS files, deleting my homebrew, undoing any of my hacks, patching security holes, etc? Basicallly, what would be the safest and least messy way to go from 4.1U to 4.3U while keeping all my hacks and not risking a brick that replaces my boot2 installed bootmii?/COLOR. Click to expand.1. Install at the very least Hackmii 0.7 first, this is the earliest version with 4.3 support.
Otherwise just run the IOS 58 installer provided here near the top or use Dop-Mii 2. I don't know, but on wiibrew it doesn't say about boot2 so I presume it doesn't although Bootmii as IOS is stubbed.
Waninkoko may have something although the last time I used that it trucha signed all my IOS files causing the HBC to appear upside down until I manually install IOS 30. The other option again is Dop-Mii. Honeslty though, why do you want to upgrade? There is 0 reasons why you should upgrade in reality and if anything it's more of a pain because for example you can't use trucha signed IOS files unless you patch the system menu (I think waninkokos updater does this).
Just be sure to install priiloader to block updates/ region free and use Dop-Mii to install any missing IOS files and channels and stick to 4.1 unless you have a real reason to upgrade. Install at the very least Hackmii 0.7 first, this is the earliest version with 4.3 support.
Otherwise just run the IOS 58 installer provided here near the top or use Dop-Mii 2. I don't know, but on wiibrew it doesn't say about boot2 so I presume it doesn't although Bootmii as IOS is stubbed. Waninkoko may have something although the last time I used that it trucha signed all my IOS files causing the HBC to appear upside down until I manually install IOS 30. The other option again is Dop-Mii.
Honeslty though, why do you want to upgrade? There is 0 reasons why you should upgrade in reality and if anything it's more of a pain because for example you can't use trucha signed IOS files unless you patch the system menu (I think waninkokos updater does this).
Just be sure to install priiloader to block updates/ region free and use Dop-Mii to install any missing IOS files and channels and stick to 4.1 unless you have a real reason to upgrade. Well, the reason I am asking is because I once had a disk game that would not start because there were some IOS files I needed installed before it would play, another time some Pokemon Wiiware title would not run until I updated an already existing IOS file to a newer version. I really care more about just making sure all games will run with all their features than my Wii being 'updated'. Does the 4.3U System Menu do ANYTHING over 4.1U other than just attempt to remove homebrew?
If not, then I have no reason to update anything other than my IOS files (unless 4.1U is incompatible with the newer files, but from what I understand of how IOS files work, that shouldn't be a possibility). And I know I can install IOS58, but I am sure there were other new IOS files added as well as older IOS files updated right? Is there a list anywhere of what files were added/updated since 4.1U so I can manually add them to my Wii? Finally, is there any way I can scan my Wii for what IOS/CIOS files are installed, which ones are not installed, and what version they are? I am always running outdated version of my CIOS files because I constantly forget to update them, I am sure my IOS files are very out of date. This is why I wanted to 'update' my Wii to 4.3U. Well, the reason I am asking is because I once had a disk game that would not start because there were some IOS files I needed installed before it would play, another time some Pokemon Wiiware title would not run until I updated an already existing IOS file to a newer version.
I really care more about just making sure all games will run with all their features than my Wii being 'updated'. Does the 4.3U System Menu do ANYTHING over 4.1U other than just attempt to remove homebrew? If not, then I have no reason to update anything other than my IOS files (unless 4.1U is incompatible with the newer files, but from what I understand of how IOS files work, that shouldn't be a possibility). And I know I can install IOS58, but I am sure there were other new IOS files added as well as older IOS files updated right? Is there a list anywhere of what files were added/updated since 4.1U so I can manually add them to my Wii?
Finally, is there any way I can scan my Wii for what IOS/CIOS files are installed, which ones are not installed, and what version they are? I am always running outdated version of my CIOS files because I constantly forget to update them, I am sure my IOS files are very out of date. This is why I wanted to 'update' my Wii to 4.3U.
Last Wii System Update
Click to expand.Run dop-mii and there should be an option there to get a list. Compare that list to the one here: Install any IOS files which aren't either mothballed or preventative or if a new version is out (some games such as MM10 require this).
In regards to trucha signing, don't do it to IOS 58 because the HBC will appear upside down otherwise. 4.3 is nothing but homebrew/piracy prevention. In regards to CIOS.
There is no definative version or way to detect them. However, I suggest the following: 1. Waninkokos CIOS- normally refereed to as 249 (link in another topic I made with v20b).
This is recommended for various homebrew including wad manager, Dop-Mii, etc. Note that the latest version allows you to change the slot manually so I suggest installing it in slot 249 and another unused slot e.g. 200 so that if you accidentally upgrade downgrading can be a bit easier. Herme's CIOS 222/223- I recommend this for USB loader because it has proven (for me) to be more reliable than 249. Ok, trying to solve a little confusion here.
First of all, this is what my Wii's internals look like: I am using the information that DOP-Mii is giving me about each IOS as well as the list here: I know not to install any mothballed/stubbed IOS, but I still have some questions: 1. Should I update any existing IOS if its an older version, as long as said version is not a stub? Are there any below 200 that I should not update? Should I install versions that were installed only for other region Wiis (I do play imports, but mostly Japanese and sometimes UK)? How come I don't appear to have IOS57 installed when the cios updates I just installed used it as a base? If I update all of the non-stubbed/mothballed IOS files to the latest versions, will this cause any problems with hacks, homebrew, usb loaders, etc?
How about installing CIOS files using another IOS as a base? Should I even really old IOS files like IOS9? My IOS9 is version 516 and the latest is version 1034. My BC is version 2 and the latest is version 6, should I even mess with that? A friend told me that updating my IOS files might prevent the Wiiware that I installed using Wad Manager from working anymore through the official SD Menu, is this true?
About stubs and systemmenu ISO files. Since I am on Systemmenu 4.1, should I just stub the previous IOS files that were only used for system menus or no? Do stubs take up less space than a real IOS?
(would I gain space by stubbing useless IOS files, like those used only for older systemmenus like IOS30, 40, 50, etc). A stubbed IOS is completely useless right? Should I remove the IOS files on my system that were stubbed or no? Does a Stub take up any space at all? Does anything still rely on an IOS that normally (below 200 of course) would be stubbed on a modern system? (Other than IOS60 since my sysmenu requires it). Why do the latest versions of every active IOS say 'Version cannot downgrade other IOSes' in DOP-Mii?
Any other advice? Sorry for asking so many questions, and thanks. Some IOS files will need to be updated, I think this happened to me with MM10, it should be safe to update them as long as they aren't mothballed or critical i.e. The system menu IOS. The only region specific ones are the koreon ones, you don't need them 3. The ios was downloaded and patched as 249 4. Updating non-critical (i.e.
The system menu IOS)., mothballed files should be relatively safe, especially if you don't mothball them 5. You don't have to bother with the older ones e.g. Don't bother messing around with BC or MIOS 7. I haven't had any issues, 8. Don't bother, IOS files are negligibly small. Don't bother removing them 10.
To downgrade you need to fakesign them using Cios. Updating is fine though. Did you select CIOS on the main menu where it says 'IOS XX'? If you are nervous, just install any 'not installed' IOS files and make sure to have either bootmii as boot2/IOS with a backup and/or priiloader installed. This way you go back if it doesn't work. But some IOS files do need updating for certain games like what happened to me with MM10. But these should be relatively easy to find out and typically produce either a black screen or error 002.
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Wii System Update Homebrew
New to Wii Modding? Start with this link. Have you botched the modding process?
To answer a common question on botched installs; NO you do not have to undo anything. As long as your Wii is still (mostly) functional, find some help, start the modding process over.

You (almost) never need to undo what you've already done. Un-modding your Wii Simply put; No. It can be done to an extent, but there are some things you will never undo. If you want to un-mod your Wii because your current mod job is causing problems, find a better tutorial, start over.
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