Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning Armor Dlc
I noticed there is already DLC on Steam for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It is called Weapons & Armor Bundle and costs $4.99. I guess they did not follow on CD Projekt's footsteps. I have a few questions about the DLC. If I buy the physical retail game how do I obtain the DLC? If I buy the Amazon download version of the game where ow do I obtain the DLC? Compared to what exists in Reckoning is this DLC worth buying?
Even on the hardest difficulty settings is Reckoning easy? What other game would you compare the combat and difficulty to? I noticed there is already DLC on Steam for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It is called Weapons & Armor Bundle and costs $4.99. I guess they did not follow on CD Projekt's footsteps. I have a few questions about the DLC. Australia map for igo8 update. If I buy the physical retail game how do I obtain the DLC?
If I buy the Amazon download version of the game where ow do I obtain the DLC? Compared to what exists in Reckoning is this DLC worth buying?
Even on the hardest difficulty settings is Reckoning easy? What other game would you compare the combat and difficulty to? Merigoldsass so far it only seems availible from steam and origin ( for pc anyway), and it'll stay that way until they found a way they feel is safe to sell it. Wether or not it stacks up, wel it pretty much eliminates the need for armor in early game. Its not endgame gear.
Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning 2
Having said that, you could wear it till endgame since the game is rather easy, with magic being as powerfull as it is, evasive moves being so commen, the overpowerd fate state, etc. Playing this on hard is way to easy. And the early gear makes it ridiciously more so. I personally compare this game to fable in every respect. Including difficulty. Having said that, Fable is way to easy as well. If you played other RPG's you will probably think Amalur is pretty easy, atm.
Im actually grinding through the 'great combat' to finish the story and shelve the game. As the poster above me said, the few times you could get into a little trouble, you just press on godmode/fate and it's back to being insanely easy again. Im playing as mage, and since I took a skill, I can oneshot most things in the game, some need a twoshot and bosses a little more - it's so easy I contemplated respeccing into a warrior, to see if it would help on the grinding issue. There is absolutely no idea or reason, for that matter to get this DLC, it's a pure milking the cow action and honestly makes me disrespect BHG a little. Combat is very good and not much like Fable, I would honestly comapre the combat more to Witcher2 then Fable.
Reckoning really is the game Fable1/2/3 should have been, they look similair but thats where the similair things end imo. The amount of loot,etc. Also reminds me of Diablo2/Titans Quest a bit.
As for the DLC I have no idea, I thought that was just the stuff that people who preordered got? Its nto a super tough game but I would not call it really easy either. If your not getting a challenge then pump up the difficulty.

From what I can tell they are mostly level 1 (or some are level3) weapons. So whilst they give you a boost at the start they are not going to be that major once you're deeper into the game. In fact I'd rather say that they make the game start a touch boring because you get so many good weapons to start with and if you don't want them you can sell them for a lot more than most weapons go for at that point in the game.
Note that that is just at the start. I suspect if you want to powergame through the start a little quicker they are a good purchase - something for a second run through. Originally posted by:Do most people not know that they scale based off the level you are when you open the chest.? I can confirm that they do not scale off what level you are. I just tested it myself. Made a level 1 and opened the chest and than made another character, leveled it to 3 and the weapons have the same stats as when I opened them at level 1.
They actually scale to the level of your char from when you first open the chest. If you open it at, say, lv 43, it they will be lv 43 forever regardless of the level of your other chars when you open it with them not sure if it's first time opened or first time downloaded dlc.