Pnach Files For Pcsx2 Download For Pc

Pnach Files For Pcsx2 Download For Pc Game

Finally, after overcoming my laziness that prevents me from putting something on this blog, today I'm posting my collection of PCSX2 cheat patches I have made so far. In the past, I've posted this collection on several emulation forum sites, but due to my stubbornness for creating a sole thread for my collection, this archive was constantly removed by forum admins, can they blame me if I find their cheat archive so disorganized in their forums and would take hundreds of thread pages just to find a single cheat?
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Pnach Files For Pcsx2 Download For Pc Free
I hope your problems solved by this video, any other issue please post it as a comment I'll be there to answer.Sorry if the video shutters from the beginning: PCSX2 Cheat Converter (Google Drive) PCSX2 Cheat Converter (DropBox - Alternate) Kingdom Hearts 2 Cheats (Example): - Note if your codes did not work at any case try one of these methods: 1. Update your Emulator (it could be an error in the build you have) 2. Check weather your cheats are NTSC, PAL or JAP (USA = NTSC, EUR = PAL and JAP = JAP) 3. Rename '.txt' to '.pnach' (Don't rename it occasionally like this '(CRC Name).pnach.txt' that's wrong) 4. Be sure that if you are using PCSX2 as a program installer instead of using the portable one. Then put.pnach on 'C: Users (YourPCName) Documents PCSX2 Cheats' in short put it in Documents folder - If this video helps you hit the like will ya =) Subscribe for more and as always thank you for watching Soundtrack: 'Lucid Dreaming Sleep' Follow me on Google+ FaceBook: DeviantArt.