Free Download Bump Maps
No need to buy a software for that really. Blender can bake normalmaps from 3D meshes and is free. XNormal can bake normalmaps from 3D meshes and is free. When you want to make normalmaps out of 2D textures, Nividia has a free photoshop plugin.
There is also a Gimp version of it around. Crazybump is nevertheless a nice software. For the history: Bump mapping was an old shader approach from the last millenium that uses greyscale images to create the impression of heigth.
Brighter pixels simply brightened the texel at the mesh at this point. Blender can still do this traditional bump mapping. Normal mapping is a completely different shader approach. It uses a normal that is stored in the RGB value of a pixel. I have no idea when it was introduced. But it was long after the traditional greyscale bump mapping.
Must've been around 2003 or 2004. Nowadays nearly nobody remembers the old technique, and talks about bump mapping when he means normal mapping. No need to buy a software for that really. Blender can bake normalmaps and is free.
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XNormal can bake normalmaps and is free. When you want to make normalmaps out of 2D textures, Nividia has a free photoshop plugin. There is also a Gimp version of it around. Crazybump is nevertheless a nice software. For the history: Bump mapping was an old shader approach from the last millenium that uses greyscale images to create the impression of heigth.
Brighter pixels simply brightened the texel at the mesh at this point. Blender can still do this traditional bump mapping. Normal mapping is a completely different shader approach. It uses a normal that is stored in the RGB value of a pixel. I have no idea when it was introduced. But it was long after the traditional greyscale bump mapping. Must've been around 2003 or 2004.
Nowadays nearly nobody remembers the old technique, and talks about bump mapping when he means normal mapping. It does refer to normal maps. That's the confusing part for me as an oldtimer.
As told, when nowadays folks talks about bump mapping they most likely talk about normal mapping ^^ How you call it is about what you want to do with the greyscale image. You can use the greyscale image for both. But when you use it for displacement then we talk about a displacement map. And when you use it for bump mapping then you call it a bump map. And now the confusing bit: with a normal map you normally call it normal mapping. But even in Unity you can read bump mapping more than once in conjunction with normal mapping.
That's why i have named the free alternative too. It was about the normalmap plugin.
Haven't had any problems with the Gimp normalmap plugin yet. And i work with it for years. What problems do you have? Everything working is allowed. It's about what works for you.
Free Bump Maps
Some tools have a faster or more convenient workflow. Some tools are cheaper. So pick the one that does the job best for your needs. Click to i understand.
Normal maps are really the only thing I use. As far as the problems i had in Gimp: take the attached files for example. This is what I had issues with in Gimp. The best accurate normal map created in Gimp was not nearly as strong as the one created in CrazyBump.
Bump Maps Download
This is why I ultimately chose CrazyBump. Source: gimp: crazy bump. But, in defense of Gimp, this is an unusual image to create a normal map from. But I tried all the settings with Gimp and could not get the results i needed, so maybe i was just doing something wrong: Gimp 2.8 Normal map plugin: gimp-normalmap 1.2.3 for GIMP 2.8. Don't want to turn this thread into a versus thread, but looks to me like you have used some low settings. With the Prewitt5x5 filter you get a much deeper normalmapping effect.
You can also scale it even more, see the scale slider in the settings. And you can prepare the image upfront by giving it a bit more contrast for example. What's known is that some tools produces different normalmaps, independand of its strength. Good to see with your shot from Crazybump, where the overall shape of the door is much dominanter. While in Gimp the scratches are very visible. Don't want to turn this thread into a versus thread, but looks to me like you have used some low settings. With the Prewitt5x5 filter you get a much deeper normalmapping effect.
Free Download Bump Maps For Pc
You can also scale it even more, see the scale slider in the settings. And you can prepare the image upfront by giving it a bit more contrast for example. What's known is that some tools produces different normalmaps, independand of its strength. Good to see with your shot from Crazybump, where the overall shape of the door is much dominanter.
While in Gimp the scratches are very visible. The reason Crazy Bumb gives vastly superior results here is because it is a more intelligently designed program than actually ANY of its competition to date! Almost all other normal map generators out there use the lightness of the base image for the height of the normal, this is what you want if you have a height map to start with, its useless if you are starting with a photograph, since the light points on a photograph are not the extruding ones but the ones facing the light most or coloured differently, this is why most normal map generating software, this gimp one, and x normal included create awful results when using photographs as the base.
Crazy bump uses algorithms try work out the true 3D shape by estimating the light direction and using that to estimate geometry which would be lit in such a way, rather than interpreting the lightest points as the highest. Summery, if you are aiming to make a normal map from a true heightmap then xnormal or the gimp plugin and crazy bump would all work equally well, on the other hand if you are using a photograph the only decent option I've yet came across is Crazy Bump.