Commandos 2 Destination Paris 1.40 Patch
Hello everybody, the new, reworked and updated version of Commandos 2 Destination Paris that has been rechecked from the beginning to the end and has been made more playable and without any more bugs is finally here. Go visit it's and don't forget to read the!

Have fun everybody and please write any comments and give your opinions on the mod and let me know the things you didn't like so that in future updates I will be able to correct the errors. Also if you have any new material that you would like to see integrated in the mod, send it to me and I'll add it as add-on! One more thing, those wanting to make the BEL mission pack playable, have all my support and once it will be ready, we will add it to the mod and make it as complete as possible! Good luck and have fun people. GRABACARGASENCILLO INT 0 is correct, I will update the news again. Saving is disabled in Training 1, Colditz and Paris. I've fixed Colditz.
The ingame scripts are case-sensitive and the names of objects in.gsc file must be exactly same as in the.mis file. So 'alercze03' and 'ALERCZE03' are diffirent names that causes the crash when loading.