Kz Manager Windows
9) KZ Manager (1990) The Premise: KZ Manager from a gameplay mechanics perspective looks like your basic resource management game. You play a manager (or in this case Commandant) and you manage the resources at your disposal (in this case Jews, Turks, Gypsies, poison gas supplies, money and equipment) with an eye to achieving certain goals (balancing public opinion and ‘productivity’). I’m sorry what?

Am I playing Concentration Camp Tycoon here? Turns out if you were playing KZ Manager you would indeed be playing a resource management game in which the resources were partly constituted of people and your ‘production goals’ consisted in killing them. As I’m sure you are well aware the Holocaust is not really a subject to be taken lightly but KZ Manager doesn’t take it lightly as on its own terms it removes any considerations of morality entirely. So I guess that’s OK then.
Kz Manager Game Download
I mean, completely dehumanising certain groups, be it groups within video games or groups in real life never leads to bad consequences. Slobodan, help me out here. It’s also the concentration camp management game that just won’t die. Starting out on the Commodore 64 it was remade several times throughout the 1990’s moving from a DOS text based game to a graphical DOS conversion before making the leap to Windows in a version called “KZ Manager Millennium”. Also before that a rumoured Amiga version and its associated DOS port purportedly allowed you to bask in the reflected glory of the murder of millions of innocent people in a full 256 colours.
Well if that doesn’t sound like a good time to you then I doubt your IQ is lower than 50. What more do you want from your gaming experience? Tact and intelligence? Creativity and entertainment? Sod off and play Zork.
Offended Country: Germany Cause Of Beef: Concentration Camping The Holocaust was a tragic black eye for the Germans and it must suck to be constantly associated with it, but to have a video game come out where the player runs a concentration camp has got to be the worst reminder ever. Obviously, KZ Manager was quickly banned and German officials were fast to distance the country as far away from involvement as possible. It wouldn't be far fetched to assume that if Germany got their hands on whoever created the video game (The Missonoaris) they'd build a special prison for them.