Solid State Radio Engineering Krauss Solution Manual


EIE 574 High Frequency Circuit Design Subject Lecturer Dr S. WONG DE636, 2766 6234, Subject Tutor Mr. Ding, 丁力 Designing electronic circuits in the tens and hundreds of MHz range can be a challenge because the presence of parasitics presents a lot of problems in the physical circuits. This makes designing high-frequency circuits a rather specialized subject, although much can still be resolved under the lumped circuit assumption. But as the frequency moves up to GHz range, we have serious trouble using lumped circuit models because voltage and current change within the physical boundary of the circuit as a result of the wavelength being comparable to the dimension of the physical circuits.

We therefore have to use a different approach to look at the problem. In this course we will look mainly at circuit design in the tens-hundreds MHz range and will touch upon some basics for the GHz range design. Essential overview of analog electronics (3 weeks): My experience of doing this course is that students came from various backgrounds due to the many possible combinations of study tracks that students took in previous years. Sometimes, students claimed they hadn't learnt this and that. So, I will assume that everyone knows just a little basics about circuits, but not anything advanced. I will spend two to three weeks to go over the essential concepts of analog circuits including devices, amplifier configurations, feedback, etc.

This will be like a compressed course of all electronics fundamentals up to EC2 and ADIC. Then, you will have no excuse of not knowing what feedback is, how driving impedance can be deduced, or why Miller can reduce gain, etc. Moreover, in doing this revision, I will put emphasis on high-frequency effects so that you will appreciate more easily the problems to be studied in the later part of the course. Radio frequency circuit techniques (2 weeks): This part of the course introduces you to the basic elements of designing circuits at high-frequency range. I will emphasize conceptual understanding of the problems of high-frequency roll-off that limits the operation of amplifiers at high frequencies. An important skill to acquire here is to identify the vulnerable parts of a given circuit that can lead to roll-off. With this knowledge, we can devise methods to combat it, and we will systematically study a few popular amplifier configurations for high-frequency applications.

High-frequency filter design (2 weeks): This is a difficult part, because you may never do anything seriously about filter synthesis and design before. I have to make sure you will get the salient design concepts necessary for high-frequency filter design. So, I will try to summarize the whole filter technology background in a compact manner, up to a point where we can start looking at high-frequency filter design. Essentially, our de facto starting point is the inadequacy of operational amplifiers in handling high-frequency signals. This leads to the introduction of a 'new' element (in the sense of usage rather than history of existence) known as operational transconductance amplifier or the OTA.

Sometimes, we just call it transconductance or even simply Gm. Using Gm as the basic amplifier block, we can design filters in the hundreds of MHz range. We will study design examples using signal flow graphs as tools and examine a few BJT and MOS OTAs. Impedance matching (2 weeks): In high-frequency circuit design, an important procedure that must be incorporated in every design is matching. The purpose of matching is to prevent signals from being reflected as they move along the various parts of a circuit or system.

This in turn ensures maximum power transfer from the signal source to the load. Matching also has an important role to play in the stability of circuits.

In this part of the course, we focus ourselves on a few popular matching methods. Essentially, we will derive, from very basic circuit theory, some simple matching circuits that can achieve impedance matching for a narrow bandwidth. In particular we will take a look at L-circuits, T-circuits, pi-circuits, tapped capacitor circuits, etc., using a simple design approach employing the concept of Q-factor. I will also briefly talk about the double-tuned circuit for wider band matching. Transmission line matching (2 weeks): At high frequencies (up to microwave range), transmission lines are not just 'nothing' as in lumped circuit analysis. They can affect power transfer and even stability because they can reflect signals back and create standing wave patterns. I will explain the concepts of traveling waves in transmission lines and interpret the famous Telegrapher's equations.

What is important here is to understand the various effects a transmission line has on the signal transmission. I will use the Smith chart as a tool to make things appear very intuitive so that you can easily visualize the many effects of a transmission line. Then, the matching method can be easily derived, of course with the help of the Smith chart. I will try to cover some simple matching examples using the transmission line itself as a matching element!

This is called stub matching. Power amplifier design (2 weeks): Designing power amplifiers at high frequencies has a rather different set of criteria, which are developed to combat the easily unstable devices. Engineers usually call it oscillation. Then, why is the amplifier so easily become unstable or oscillatory?

Radio Engineering Books


The problem is the internal parasitics that form internal feedback paths. We know from EC1 that whenever there is a roundtrip gain of just higher than 1, the circuit oscillates. To study this problem, we begin with an appropriate characterization-the scattering parameters. I will explain what scattering parameters are. Their physical meanings are important to understanding the many aspects of high-frequency design.

With scattering parameters, I will explain some concepts of power gains in amplifiers and once again the matching problem in order to maximize power gain. We will see later that what is important really is the so-called transducer power gain because it measures how much power that can be used relative to how much power that is available.

Our final task is to examine in detail the problem of stability. I will explain, from the basic stability requirements, how stability conditions can be visualized on the Smith chart and be checked mathematically. To finish off, I will examine one way (out of the many possibilities) of making an unstable amplifier stable by neutralizing (canceling) the internal feedback. This year, the weekly 2-hour lecture is scheduled on every Monday, from 6:30 pm to 8:25 pm. Moreover, a tutorial session is scheduled just after the lecture.

Tentative Dates Topics Notes Weeks 1,2 Revision Available from Blackboard. No printed notes to save the earth. Week 3 Radio frequency circuit techniques Weeks 4,5 High-frequency filter design Available from Blackboard.

No printed notes to save the earth. Weeks 6,7 Impedance matching Available from Blackboard. No printed notes to save the earth. Week 8.Test. Weeks 9,10 Transmission line matching Available from Blackboard.

No printed notes to save the earth. Weeks 11,12 Power amplifier design Available from Blackboard. No printed notes to save the earth. Week 13.Test. I will hand out a problem set which contains practice problems related to the course.

Submission of selected problems will be required, as assignments. You must try to work out solutions all on your own. During the tutorials, I will explain some of the problems related to the assignments. Remember assignments do count towards your continual assessments. Problem set for this course: Assignment 1: Deadline: Week 8 Numerical answer for the extra question in problem set can be found Mini-project topics and requirements Mini-projects will be done in additional to laboratory works.

There are a few reasons for this. First, many design approaches can be computerised and it is an extremely good exercise for you to develop computer software to aid design. Second, our laboratory is not (at the moment) well geared towards high-frequency experiments. Third, because our course emphasizes conceptual understanding, mini-projects are good tools to stretch your thinking.

The mini-project for this subject is equivalent to 9 hours of work related to topics taught in the course. You will develop a complete and fully working software to aid the design of high frequency circuits. As more topics will be covered as we go along, I suggest that you do a quick preview of the lecture materials to find out if you would like to pursue your mini-project on a topic which will be taught at the later part of the semester.

The following topics are arranged in the sequence they are taught. You may choose any ONE of these topics. Topic 1: High frequency roll-off of transistor amplifiers You are required to develop a complete computer software which can generate all poles and zeros, and complete frequency response of the common-emitter amplifier. Your software should input sufficient number of parameters and produce complete list of results.

Graphical results would be desirable in the case of frequency responses. A clearly written and complete user manual and a zipped-folder containing the software will be required in the final submission.

Topic 2: Design of matching circuits You are required to develop a complete software which can generate all the circuit component values for the following types of matching circuits: L-circuit, pi-circuit, T-circuit and tapped capacitor circuit. Your software should input sufficient number of parameters (e.g., type of matching circuits, Q factor, resistances to be matched, etc.) and produce complete list of results.

A clearly written and complete user manual and zipped-folder containing the software will be required in the final submission. Topic 3: Transmission line matching You are required to develop a complete software which can generate the information (e.g., position of inserting stub, length of stub, type of stub, etc.) required to match a given load to a transmission of any characteristic impedance.

Incorporating the Smith chart geometry is preferred over the use of first-principle equations. A clearly written and complete user manual and a zipped-folder containing the software will be required in the final submission. Note that this is NOT a group project.

Each one of you is required to submit a report outlining the objective and your approach together with the software and a complete user manual on-line to the Black-board Web Teaching system. The deadline of submission is the day of the last lecture. I will test your software and verify its functionality, and I will also do a simple 'independency check'. If two or more of you are found to have submitted essentially the same software, you will get zero mark for this component. There will be a mid-semester test and a end-semester test for the purpose of assessment.

These together with assignments account for a total of 50% overall marks. I will inform you when it is going to happen. The mini-project accounts for the other 50% of the final marks.

There will be NO semester end examination. I am usually available for consultation any time I don't have a class or meeting.

My time-table is posted outside my office. Preferred consultation time: Tuesday 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. (73KB pdf file). (180KB pdf file) Learn with only your heart! Sobot, Wireless Communication Electronics, Springer, 2012.

Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H.

Lewis and Robert G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, New York: Wiley, 2001. Laker and W.M.C. Sansen, Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Nibler and coauthors, High-Frequency Circuit Engineering, IEE, 1996. Herbert L. Krauss, Charles W.

Bostian and Frederick H. Raab, Solid State Radio Engineering, New York: Wiley, 1980. (Classic reference). W. Alan Davis and Krishna K. Agarwal, Radio Frequency Circuit Design, New York: Wiley, 2001.

Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. (Classic reference). A.

Grebenninov, N. Franco, Switchmode RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers, Academic Press, 2012.

Telecommunication Circuits ELEC 4505 Telecommunication Circuits ELEC 4505 2006 Course Outline Lectures: SA 518 Times Tue 1:00, Thur 1:00, Labs: ME4135, Wed, Thur, Fri, 8:30-11:30 odd weeks (starting week 3) TAs, and Office Hours:. Peter Popplewell: Thurs 11:30-12:30, ME 5138 (Blue Room). Tony Forzley: Lab weeks: Wednesday 11:30-12:30, non lab weeks, wednesday 9:00-10:00, room ME 5137, this is a room inside of Room 5138 There may still be a few marks not updated. Let me know of errors, ommissions, concerns, etc.

Exam Review Office Hours for Prof. Plett. Tuesday Dec 5, 12:30-2:30. Wednesday Dec 6, 12:30-2:30 Office Hours for Prof.

Plett. Monday 12:30.

Tuesday 2:30 (right after 4505 class, so I will typically be a bit late back to my office ). Friday 12:30 (last Friday office hour is Friday Dec 1) (I meet with fourth-year project students Fri 11:30, so if I am not in my office, look for me one floor down, probably in one of the computer labs.) Final Exam, 2:00 PM Thursday December 7, 2006, in the Fieldhouse Assignment 3 Info Assignment 3 has been marked and can be picked up Monday afternoon during my consulting hour starting at 12:30. Due 1:00 in class Thursday, Nov 30 (our last class) Since Nov 22, 23, 24 would normally be lab days, we will try to have a TA available from about 9:30 or 10AM in the computer room across from the lab (later changed to ME 4128) on each of those days (Peter on Thursday, Tony on Friday). So, if you want to take advantage of this lab time slot, and do your oscillator SPICE assignment, or have any other questions for the TAs, you can take advantage of this opportunity.

For Assignment 3, as handed out in class, you will need to copy and modify the following two programs for oscillator analysis. Your aim will be to achieve a particular output frequency and power, and being approximately impedance matched. So, what you will need to change:. Frequency determining components: C1, C2 (LT is given).

Load Resistance: RL. Resistor to represent transistor output resistance: RE4 (For open loop only). Open loop: Frequency Range in.AC command to center on your frequency, optimize curves. Closed Loop: Time range in.TRANS command to show rise time, maybe zoom in to show a few periods to allow frequency to be calculated.

Make sure where you zoom in, the output voltage is completely settled. Lab 3 Info Lab 3 Due date is Tuesday November 21 at 1:00 in class.

Assignment 2 Info Assignment 2 Due Dates:. Questions 1, 2, 3 are due on Tuesday November 7 at 1:00 in class. Remember, this is also design for Lab 3b, so keep a copy of this part of the assignment.

Questions 4, 5, 6 are due on Tuesday November 14, at 1:00 in class. Lab 2 Info For all sections, Lab 2 is now due on Tuesday Oct 24 1:00 in class at the beginning of the class. This may not be quite final yet, but it should give you an idea of what is being looked for. From results, we suggest you use the 33 uH inductor to get the highest parallel resistance.

In the lab you can measure Q at 100 kHz, then estimate Q at 800 kHz by assuming Q is proportional to the square root of frequency. (The final filter gain calculation equation has been modified so gain is inversely proportional not proportional to (fu-fl)/(Bw/2) This is not required for the lab, but you may find it interesting and useful. Note, this is a nonlinear circuit, so simulations are in the time domain.

Tos see output spectrum including harmonics and intermodulation components, run the fft on the output transient waveform. Note that for this simulation, discrete 2N3904 transistors have been used, but in spite of this, the results are quite realistic. Note that pin 7 has been used as an interconnect point. It is labelled on the diagram as NC for No Connect. Often it is not a good idea to use such pins, but in this case it seems to work. (I still wouldn't do it though.) Also, note the yellow wire hides a connection.

Don't believe it? Assignment 1 Info Very speedily dashed off example solution to Assignment 1, but done for centre frequency of 1 MHz, bandwidth of 325 kHz, following the lab 1 info posted earlier.

If you find errors in this, let me know. You may choose to use Zin either from your calculations, or from the simulation. These are known to be quite different because the value stated for Cbe (Cpi) in the lab manual is quite a bit off (it is listed as being 8 pF, but if you examine your SPICE output file you will see a value more like 30 pF is used in the simulation). Lab 1 Info. Date Corrected.

For all sections, Lab 1 and Assignment 1 is now due on Tuesday Oct 10 (after Thanksgiving), 1:00 in class at the beginning of the class. Lab preparation is important, otherwise, this can be a long lab. Lab 1 Held in Computer Room, next to hardware lab, ME4166 (similar to 2006, except specs are different, e.g., frequency, bandwidth etc.) Note: Comment about RL has been changed - RL should not be replaced by Rp, rather Rp should be included in it, both RL and RP should be taken into account. The net small-signal resistance R (which is determined by RL, Rp and ro in parallel) sets the overall loop bandwidth - that is 1/(RC) is the bandwidth. Rp is determined by the Q of the inductor (not the Q of the overall circuit). Note, this exe file will unpack a few files. By default, it unpacks them in some strange location, hard to find, so it is suggested you change it to a known directory.


Then you need to run the setup.exe file. Note: the 28M version in the previous link is an older version of PSPICE, but it will still do the job) Course Objective To learn about the design of communications circuits. In other courses, the block diagram approach has been used but in this course the emphasis will be on the actual circuitry which makes up these blocks. Examples of such blocks are tuned amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, phase shifters and detectors. Communications systems considered are AM, FM, television and telephony.

Use of the PLL will be discussed. Course Content. Introduction to Telecommunications: Components of a radio systems; noise, distortion impedance matching. Mixers and Modulators:. Phase-Locked Loop and Applications: Introduction to PLLs and applications such as: synthesizers and FM demodulation. Oscillators:. Frequency modulators and demodulators:.

Television Systems: Transmission of intensity, color, retrace, blanking, and sound; generation of the video signal, conversion of the video signal to picture and sound. Other topics may include high-definition TV, stereo sound. Labs Simulation Labs - Groups of 1; Hardware Labs - Groups of 2, one writeup per group, due one week after the scheduled lab day, 4:30 PM. Tuned Amplifiers: (Dates tentative) (Warmup on September 15, 16, 17 actual lab on 29, 30, October 1). Simulation Lab. Use of a bipolar transistor and some passive components to build a tuned amplifier operating at about 1MHz.

You will learn about use of transistor parameters, tuned circuits and impedance matching. Mixers and Modulators: (October 13, 14, 15) Use of an analog multiplier on an IC to build frequency changers. Phase-Locked Loops: (October 27, 28, 29 and November 10, 11, 12) Use of a commercially available package to build a tracking filter, a synthesizer and a an FM demodulator. The IC contains a voltage-controlled oscillator a phase detector, and amplifiers.

In this lab, the VCO and phase detector will be characterized, then a complete phased-lock loop will be built. The main external components will consist of a simple loop filter and a divider to realize the synthesizer. Marks: a) Three assignments worth 5% each b) Three Labs worth 10, 10,15 (about 1/3 for demo) c) One written exam worth 50%. Students must get at least 35% in the final exam. Text: There is no official course text. The printed course notes should provide enough material, or some of the references can be consulted. References:.

Smith, 'Modern Communication Circuits', Second Edition McGraw-Hill 1998, TK6553.S5595. Krauss, Bostonian, Raab, 'Solid State Radio Engineering', Wiley 1980, TK6553.K73.

Rogers and Plett, 'Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design', Artech House 2003. Hagen, 'Radio Frequency Circuit Design', Cambridge Press, 1997. William F.

Egan, 'Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock', 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Van der Puije, 'Telecommunication Circuit Design', Wiley 1992, TK5103.V. Sinnema, McPherson, 'Electronic Communications', Prentice-Hall 1991, TK5101.S537. Sedra, Smith, (for intro to tuned amplifiers, oscillators).

Stremler, 'Introduction to Communication Systems', (or other intro texts). Signetics, 'Linear Data Manual Volume 1: Communications', 1987.